My Hematologist at the hospital (she knows me since several years) wants me at an INR of 2.5 - 3.5. I am selftesting and only go to the lab every 8 weeks. Most of the time I am on an INR of 3.5. I have been much higher with no bleeding but take it down with brusselsprouts in 24 hours if it is too high.
If my INR goes too low I have got Fragmin 5000 IE in a shot. I have never used it. She has written to the hospital or too me that when I go under an INR of 1.8 I have to take the shot of Fragmin. I Think this is too low. I have heard that some of you take a shot if the warfarin goes under 3.0 or 2.5 in INR.
Should appreciate your opinions about this. I am afraid to be in hospital and they do not understand. As long as I can speak and take care of myself it is ok but I have pulmonary hypertension and leaking hearwalves and who knows......