Professor Hughes says in one of his books: ".........progression from early valve disease can be prevented by careful anticoagulation" I have read of a higher INR also. Any ideas or experiences?
Professor Hughes says in one of his books: ".........progression from early valve disease can be prevented by careful anticoagulation" I have read of a higher INR also. Any ideas or experiences?
Why I ask is because I have those heat/lung problems and i want my hematologist to allow me to have a higher INR (now 2.5 - 3.5). She is so afraid. I am afraid that I shall stay in hospital with a too low INR as they do not understand what APS is. I selftest now. Anyway i shall have a talk with the doctors but if someone on this site had been in the same position as me and knows we need a higher INR when we have heartproblems that had been good. I think I have read that somewhere.
Kerstin in Stockholm
I was born with an a fib which has progressed to a mitral valve prolapse with moderate regurgitation. So in me . . . Is the progression due to my a fib? Or due to the APS? I have no idea.
I'm so sorry to hear your heart issues continue -- sending supportive thoughts from the broccoli covered hills of West Virginia!
Hi Gina, Thank you but I feel rather good. Still they say I have those symptoms. I eat broccoli and take my walks. They are cronical but who knows...... perhaps I can live till I am 90. I just want a higher INR if I end up in hospital.
They say that the heart issues are due to my pulmonary hypertension and that is most likely because of APS. I had also very high blood pressure before anticoagulation and that is also due to APS.
These things go with APS and is not recognized if you do not do a Echocardiography with doppler.
Keep well Gina.
I have discussed this issue with Dr Hughes this summer and he told me "APS patients with heart valve involvement do better with a higher INR"
I have been diagnosed with a ruptured sinus of valsalva and I am due my op in less than a year. My INR was recently upped to range between 2.5-3. I had no idea that this was all connected thank you for this info.