One of our three children has my Factor V Leiden (FVL) gene (she is 5 years old), yet it's our older teen daughter who has been hospitalized many times with migraines, walks around dizzy much of the time, and has bouts of fatigue.
I came across an old study from 2000 today. Those researchers found that "the presence of APLA (antiphospholipid antibodies) was associated with a >6-fold risk of stroke (in children) (OR=6. 08, 95% CI 1.5 to 24.3), and the heterozygosity for FVL increased the risk of stroke (in children) by almost 5-fold."
This makes me wonder what the combined increased rate is for a child with APS and FVL. Does anyone know?
Did you test your children? Our three children are going to be mad at me (they don't like needles. But if my tests come back positive for APS, they are all going in for blood tests.