I do not know what other symptoms to be concerned about and any info would be greatly appreciated!
Does anyone ever get red blotches on ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Does anyone ever get red blotches on their face? Last week I started getting these red patches and I thought it was dry skin?
Hi I found this web site that may help you or others work out what rash they have I found it useful. Hope you do to.
Please see lupus.org/answers/entry/how...
A red butterfly rash on the face is also common. Not sure if it's on this web site?
I noticed a red blotch under my eye this morning and not sure what that is about. I also get little red pin prick type spots all over my body. No idea if they are related to APLS, warfarin or something else. Also last night i had a red patch on the back of my hand and thought it might have been a bruise coming but it seems to have gone today.
I've gotten small red blotches on back of my hands and upper arms and found that's when I've forgotten to take my blood pressure meds. I get back on track and they go away. Check your blood pressure just to eliminate that potential.
I get red dry blotches on my face always thought it was to do with eczema. Got a few on my face at the moment put makeup over them but they go flaky! Worse when just under eye makes me look like I have a black eye! With what Lupus has done to my hair and these red blotches I might be as well to wear a paper bag over my head when I go out! also get a red rash bit like chilblains over my hands when in sun or if it is very cold !
I have had the butterfly rash a few times and developed patches of something like eczema on my chin. Nice.
If I am very inflamed due to a flare, either infection or allergy to drugs, I always get red patches on my neck, also if I am inflamed in any joints they come also, then go away again. MaryF