Hi there I have Hughes syndrome and have been diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, which itself is quite a straight forward procedure however I have a blood clot in the ivc vein which has fibrised (hardened) and totally blocked the ivc vein. Now this is where the complications begin the ivc takes the blood from the bottom half of the body to the heart and to manage this my body has had to create diversions and open new routes for the blood to reach the heart. I am concerned that my abdomen area is full of vessels which have opened up as these diversions any surgical incisions related to the hernia may cause a bleed or some other damage which might only show up when I am back on warfarin on an inr of 3.5 to 4. I have had the hernia itself scanned and there seems to be no vessels within it. I have just had my 6 monthly appointment with Dr Madhock and he says that the scan may not pick up some vessels which may still be feeding blood to the heart. I am now confused and worried should I cancel the procedure.
Regards. Michael Jenkinson.