Anyone go to this hospital for neurology and if so what are their experiences of neurologists please..
Neurologists at RD&E Wonford (Exeter) - Hughes Syndrome A...
Neurologists at RD&E Wonford (Exeter)
I see two -- one for lesions in brain , migraines with aura etc. and the second for emg's - carpal tunnel tingling and numbness arms legs etc. I have had many tests most all inconclusive
Hi Annie,
I thought you were being seen at Musgrove by the 'charming' Dr Fish. Has this changed?
Hope you are OK xx
Hey Sue.. I do.. however lets just say that 19/20 months of being in his books and after doing a time line of events I jut feel severely let down and kinda fobbed off.. and now I am getting worse.. the headaches have changed.. and I am just going through all my options and was hoping for some recommendations from anyone who goes to RD&E Neurology.. and also.. logistically .. going to Dene Barton, other side of Taunton to me is just far too far..
Jet- Sorry love.. but my question was pretty specific so I dont really understand why you replied, specially if you live across the pond.. :/
YES , have been to exeter and for me I have to say it was a total nightmare, fortunately for me we moved to sunny cornwall and I have had nothing but good care and attention. I hope with all my heart that the neurologist i visited has retired it was 10 years ago now, obviously I can't be anymore specific , but I had a truely awful time at the mercy of the neurologist and I hope to goodness things have changed
Hi Mully - do you see an APS specialist in Cornwall? If you do and would recommend them, please can you let me have their name so I can ask them to be included in our online directory: - you will see that we have some listed for Plymouth but no-one for Cornwall ... yet. Thank you
Eek Mully.. you can always pm me who it was x
No I don't see a particular specialist , I'm just referred to each specialist individually for each problem and It's been working out quite well they take a real interest in each problem and try their best to help and always ask advice from the hughes specialists at tommies even my GP. All I can assume from this is that they don't have the arrogance that some larger more established hospitals have and are used to seeking advice on unusual issues