Does anyone have experience of taking... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Does anyone have experience of taking hrt with anticardiolipin antibodies?
Anyone with a diagnosis of Hughes syndrome should not take HRT as it increases the potential for blood clots.
hi kate - just what is -HRT- --------- jet
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment used to replace the female hormones that a woman’s body is no longer producing because of the menopause.
The menopause – sometimes known as the ‘change of life’ – occurs when levels of the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone fall and your ovaries stop producing eggs. Menstruation (your periods) ends and you are no longer able to conceive (become pregnant).
Oestrogen and progesterone have very important roles in a woman’s body. When levels fall, this causes a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms. HRT can restore these hormone levels and enable the body to function normally again.
for more info see link below hope this helps
I was on HRT for the past 8 years after recent stroke told to stop taking it immediatly. Just waiting for the hot flushes to start now!!!
I hate to burst anyones bubble but I am on HRT with the full knowledge of both my Gynaecologist, Prof Hughes and Dr Khamashta. In fact they have just increased my dose. Now, I do take Heparin which probably is the difference so I would not advise anyone to do it without consulting their doctors. I did ask if I should stop so don't all shout at me at once as feeling a bit delicate at the mo!
Hi all
I wouldn't be able to take hrt because of previous severe reactions to hormone treatment, one the contraceptive pill at 17, then fertility drugs late 20's, then norethisterone at 43 a few months Before PE.
Wouldn't shout at you HP you got the right docs in your corner. Maybe like you say the heparin is the key. Hope you feel less fragile soon hon.
Take care gentle hugs love sheena xxxxxxx
i been on a low dosage of HRT for the last 6 years and it has helped me. i still get hot at night but the doctor at the hospital wont put it up, i have a blood test every 6 months for clotting and it still high but not as much as it was before, i think that if the person is looked after and have checks done it should be ok, but HRT is not for everyone even people that dont have any illness
I have had Hughes for 50 years and taken HRT after a complete Hysterectomy aged 30, I stopped 2 years ago, so for 35 years I took HRT. Since I now have Temporal Artritis and I am on a large dose of steriods I am using HRT again and feeling much better for it. I hate to think what sate my bones would have been in had I not taken it. Fortunately I have always had low blood pressure.
The official line from NHS St Thomas' is that HRT is not suitable for women with APS. I can't comment on how doctors decide to treat their patients in the private sector but can only presume they feel it is safe for you. It might be more dangerous if you have had a thrombosis and are taking warfarin.
BIO IDENTICAL HORMONE cream - synthetic!!!!!!!!! Look into it
Bio identical hormones are actually ok with APS if your blood pressure is fairly low. I have been on baby aspirin for years (heparin while pregnant) and when I went through early menopause (age 40) started on the bio-identical hormone replacement. (Estrace and prometrium). It totally saved my sanity and kept my bones from disintegrating. There's a lot of misinformation about hormone replacement therapy and the new bio-identical ones are nothing like the premarin, etc. that used to cause havoc. They 'mimic' the hormones, don't replace them. I have been fine with them (10 years later...) That said, it may be a different story if you are on other medications like warfarin or have actually experienced a thrombosis, which I (thankfully) haven't....