Because I'm curious: what did you tes... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Because I'm curious: what did you test positive for? Lupus antibody, anti cardiolipin or anti B2? All three, two, just one or none?
I tested positive for the anticardiolipin IGG, although my lupus anticoagulant was inconclusive. Everything else was negative.
I'd love to see this as a poll!
Anticardiolipin IgM and also phosphatidylserine IgM (one of the secondary antibodies). I also have a prolonged PT.
S-Kardiolipin-ak IgG, S-Kardiolipin-ak IgM, S-Beta2-glykoprot. 1 (IgG) and Lupus Anticoagulant. All 4.
I tested positive on all 3, with very high results for them all.
Great question! I tested positive with anticardiolipin igg level was33. It would be great if everyone could put there level.
I have always tested postitive. Also after warfarin. In 2002 I had more thatn 160 IgG and more than 120 Beta2glycoprot.1.
I have tested at least 20 times since my first serious TIA in 2002. In January I had more than 160. They can not test Lupus Anticoagulant after I started warfarin 2 years ago.
I have copies from the whole period. I am so glad I have asked for copies since my memory has been very bad from times to time.
Would be interesting to hear what others have .
I would like to add: some times the levels ar much lower. The referenceinterval here in Sweden is for IgG; less than 20 when it is Multiplex (?) Otherwiise it is less than 10 for Kardolipin and less than 5 for Beta2 glycoprotein 1.
But this is my hospitals in Stockholm! Hope you can understand my figures!
I have tested positive for all three several times, but I don't think that says anything about 'level of illness' or how 'active' your condition is. This might perhaps be a question to put to one of the doctors who support this forum before making it an issue like a poll?
all 3 at my last check. Kate x