I need a rant!!!: I was chatting to a guy on... - HIV Partners

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I need a rant!!!

Lincolnguy profile image
22 Replies

I was chatting to a guy on Grindr this morning, where I have my status up as poz undetectable. One guy said, 'because you have AIDS, I assume you're on PREP?'

In this age of information perhaps some should come off Snapchat and Facebook for an hour and Google a few facts!!

Rant over! Thanks for listening!

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Lincolnguy profile image
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22 Replies
30yearsplus profile image


If the 'community' had their act together we would have been on top of HIV years ago. We were the first to provide help and support and are now in the unenviable position of being able to control HIV, yet there are many to whom the seriousness of it seems to have passed by (and how you catch it in the first place!)

PrEP has taken away the risk, but not the responsibility.


Mindset-change profile image
Mindset-change in reply to 30yearsplus

I agree.

Mindset-change profile image

Hello hon,

After a good hour spent at the gym, now laying on my bed in gratified pain; I came upon your "rant" which gave me the giggles.

The level of ignorance in that sentence is painfullyhilarious. You're right to rant and extremely brave to be honest about your status.

What a silly boy his is.

Lincolnguy profile image
Lincolnguy in reply to Mindset-change

Haha yes it made my blood boil!

It's the sanctimonious attitude toward my status that gets me made! ....whilst they are proudly displaying their negative status like a badge of honour, ....whilst sleeping around, practicing unsafe sex, with no idea of testing, infections or treatments! Grrrrr!

Second rant over Hahahah

Chrissuffolk profile image

What did you reply to him?

Lincolnguy profile image
Lincolnguy in reply to Chrissuffolk

Can I swear on here??! Lol

Chrissuffolk profile image
Chrissuffolk in reply to Lincolnguy

Hahaha! I like you - very amusing!

Griffon profile image

The world is full of thick idiots , so ignorance is bound to occur .

The gay community is shouting hallelujah for PrEP , but failing to acknowledge the complications with its use .

Firstly success depends on adherence , failure in this respect is going to lead to drug resistant strains of the virus . Secondly there are side affects from the drugs , irreversible kidney damage and heart attack being a couple .

PrEP is not all roses and carefree sex .

Lincolnguy profile image
Lincolnguy in reply to Griffon

Totally agree! Some guys need to use the internet for INFORMATION! A new concept to some I'm sure... rant 3 over! X

Chrissuffolk profile image
Chrissuffolk in reply to Griffon

I'm rather concerned about the resistance factor - I'm on Truvada and I'm worried non adherent guys could put me at risk... I'm sure many would think of it as a "morning after pill". Luckily I'm dating an undetectable guy so it's not an issue right now but I'll be dubious of anyone who says they are on PreP...

Lincolnguy profile image
Lincolnguy in reply to Chrissuffolk

Very very good point Chris

Griffon profile image
Griffon in reply to Chrissuffolk

One of the side affects of prolonged use of Truvada is loss of kidney function . This appears to be irreversible .

If you are in a stable relationship with someone who has been undetectable for for a while , say a couple of years or more , you might be better off coming off it .

CaveyUK profile image
CaveyUK in reply to Griffon

Kidney side effects do not affect everyone and presumably anyone on PrEP would need to have these monitored periodically, just as those using the drugs for HIV treatment would be?

Griffon profile image
Griffon in reply to CaveyUK

The impression I got from the HIV consultant was that loss of kidney function was a very general side effect with Truvada - it is only a matter of how long someone uses it .

Yes , PrEP users would need monitoring as anyone would on HIV drugs . There are many side affects , which is why it is better not to use them if you don't have to . They are all toxic to a degree .

CaveyUK profile image
CaveyUK in reply to Griffon

I think your consultant is incorrect. Most people who take Truvada don't have kidney problems, however some do - especially those at risk of kidney issues already or some develop issues as they age. That is one of the reasons kidney checks are required periodically for anyone taking the drug - either for HIV treatment or PrEP so that it can be stopped/switched.

Most folk won't get any side effects on the drug. I think it's easy to read the list of side effects and freak out, but all medicines have such lists (try reading the potential side effects of ibuprofen!) and few generally materialise. The big side effect of Truvada for PrEP of course, is that it prevents HIV infection if risk events happen...which generally would outweigh most others, should they appear!

I agree people shouldn't use any drug if they don't need to, or won't benefit from them but I would be careful about banding the word 'toxic' around - this isn't the AZT days where we didn't know about dosing levels. The drugs these days are generally safe. From a personal perspective, I get fewer issues from taking a combo including Truvada than I do from taking some antibiotics or even decongestants...but even then I don't think of those drugs as 'toxic'.

I think there is a general attitude amongst all people who are negative that they know all they need to know and that HIV will never happen to them. Same such thing as people know they should wear a seat belt but don't, crash helmet but don't. IT won't happen to me syndrome so why should I bother to become educated fully. That being said there are Trolls on things like Grindr who DELIBERATLY target disability race and illness.

Neolithicrumba profile image

Tell him yes, I'm on PrEP plus one.

Greysquirrel profile image

jesus never people are so stupid

unmed profile image

You're very brave to display your status on grindr. I have alot of respect for you for doing so. Don't let ignorant arseholes get you down.

Lincolnguy profile image
Lincolnguy in reply to unmed

Thank you, I can't help but feel if I stay hiding my status I'm adding to the stigma. Guys need to know that we live and walk in their towns and are happy and healthy. Thanks again for your support xx

in reply to Lincolnguy

Like yourself, I am open about my status and that I'm not undetectable. I do it for the same reasons as yourself, to remind the "it won't happen to me types" that it can and that it still exists. By doing so I indirectly invite the morons you talk about. My advice is that you don't even reply to these people as its most likely intentional on their part to get your back up. Much respect to you.

zkahagu profile image

Hi there. Hiv is not the end of life. There is much more guys can do in their positive status

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