Recently diagnosed : Been diagnosed with them... - HIV Partners

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Recently diagnosed

7 Replies

Been diagnosed with them three letters in December 2015 I can't even bring myself to write it never mind say it out loud! Im not 100% sure how I feel. I haven't told anyone , I don't intend on telling anyone. I don't know anyone going through this. Will I ever meet the love of my life who will accept me for having this .... :(

This hasn't really sank in yet and at the moment it's stored in back of my mind. I have a feeling once it sets in, I'm not sure how I'm going to react.

7 Replies

You've found the right place for support! Be positive mentally and you will do well. Speak to health experts and local sexual health charity for info, advice and support.

I felt ashamed at first but now have learnt to be positive and try to be happy with life.

Hope you find people you can confide in

Newbie86 profile image


I was diagnosed just over 2 weeks ago and have been on meds for just over a week. it's scary and confusing to think about, but in reality, it could be a lot worse. the stigma surrounding it is not what it used to be and more and more people understand what it actually means. I would advise that you get on medication asap, as it will only strengthen your immune system and take you to undetectable more quickly. obviously everyone reacts differently to medication, but I have to say, so far, no side effects. my life is pretty normal. I understand what you mean about storing it in the back of your mind. when I am alone it is worse as sometimes it's all I can think about, but I am sure that will pass, it's just that it's such a new concept for both of us to deal with

if you can't talk to anyone in your life, talk to the doctors and nurses and pharmacists at your clinic. mine have been a massive comfort and reassurance to me

Man we all know how you feel. U have people here to support you. I was blessed to have been able to tell my mom n siblings and I have some really good friends who helped me through it. But not everyone has that. That's why it's good to have a place like this that everyone can feel comfortable talking cause we all can relate x

SeymourGoode profile image

Honestly it gets easier. There's a lot of peer support out there without having to tell people around you. I did pluck up the courage to tell my closest friend. He was surprisingly understanding and supportive. However the clinic did warn me to be careful who I tell and I've stuck to that. Dating can be a problem but nothing is insurmountable, you'll see.

Andylove258 profile image

you will get through this i have and i lost my 30yr old husband last year not due ti HIV your not alone we are all here to help in anyway i have no idea if i will meet another guy as i was wondering about the risk of transmission but i was told in switzerland that if your on treatment and undetectable that they consider you to be HIV negative and i found an article about it


Chrissuffolk profile image

Not telling anyone is the best way - friends, family, colleagues can't be in-told after and you won't be able to answer the questions they have. I suggest you find someone local to buddy up with on Grindr or through a local support group who will be able to understand and support you. Inbox me if you like :-). As for love and relationships I can tell you it won't be hard to find those willing to accept it, just put it in your profile just being careful with who you give out pictures to and guys who can accept it will approach you - that way you won't even have to deal with anyone judgemental. So long as you use protection you shouldn't have to tell anyone actually.....

Survivor83 profile image

Hey Unknowing, You are not alone, there are many people going through this and I'm sorry that you don't have a support group of other HIV+ people to vent to. I am here if you ever want to scream at someone about how unfair this bullshit is. I have been positive since 1983 and I'm still healthy and living a happy life with a partner I met in 2000.

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