Hi all just a quick question I'm waiting to get referd to a liver clinic in oxford and just wondering how long it can take? Thanks
Hi there I'm newly diagnosed with hep c ... - Hepatitis C Trust
Hi there I'm newly diagnosed with hep c and waiting to get treatment

Hi Jon,people are getting sorted really quick now,you shouldn’t be too long,it used to be 6 month wait just to get seen but things are moving much quicker now,good luck
Hi Jon and welcome 🙋 yes, Alan s right. things are happening much quicker. I personally waited 5 weeks for specialist then another 4 wks for treatment, went pretty quickly once the ball started rolling. Think it'll be faster down south ☺all my best wishes 😍😍
Hi, took me about 5 months to get started on treatment last year. There's lots of appointments and blood tests, it's quite hectic with all the appointments and different scans, etc. I was on treatment for 12 weeks and had no side effects at all. Within 2 weeks after starting treatment my viral count went from 75 parts per million down to 35 parts. After about 6 weeks there was no trace of the virus at all. Good luck..