Hi everyone I have concerns of this med if you go online you will find how many people are dying from this new pill for hepatitis once you go through the treatment it can cause your liver to fail today I have a appointment with the liver doctor they are going to give me a ultrasound on my liver then explain what treatment now after I read online of all the people that died and all the injuries to the liver I will not do the treatment I also had RAI treatment and I see my doctor on the 27 th now 5 years ago he put me on some pill that had raised my liver enzymes up after two weeks on it so he said to stop taking them now my question is if my thyroid doctor puts me on another pill which I would need that will raise my liver enzymes up again it's like dam if I do dam if I don't I will die if it does raise my liver enzymes I will not take the harvoni pill so what am I to do ? Either way my death sentence please someone help me out here. Thanks.
Hep-c and Harvoni. : Hi everyone I have... - Hepatitis C Trust
Hep-c and Harvoni.
Yes, i understand your fears as i have read reports coming out of America regarding side effects of treatments but my understanding is liver failure, etc mainly affects those with a decompensated liver which i understand to be cirrhosis and then according to available data only a small percentage of those receiving treatment.
Thankfully, my liver is still quite healtny but after hearing of the possible side effects i also considered not having treatment but then decided to go with it in the hope & optimism that treatment will be successful with little side effects and that at last i can have a better quality of life ..
Hope this helps ... God Bless 🙂
Thanks Barbann26
Well have bad news gone to my first appointment and they did a scan I do have either the beginning or have cirrhosis of my liver I had blood drawn and I agreed to take the Horvoni meds I'm waiting for the next call to come in to discuss more on that pill she said at least it will slow it down I knew in my heart this was going to happen of the cirrhosis I will keep a update on my progress Thank you again. God bless you.
Have heard of side effects. Itchiness and being very emotional.
Hi. Well I haven't had the side affects I feel fine making sure I take my pill everyday I get labs done on the 19 so will see how they go. Until then hope all is good with you. Take care.
Hi 👋
Haven't been on for a while. Good to hear your treatment going well with little or no side effects .. good luck with lab results on 19th - is that your eighth week?
Not sure if it's for you but there's a Facebook group 'Harvoni & Epclusa support Group'. I have found them helpful and informative. Plus once you're cured you go on an honour roll - may sound silly but to me it's an encouragement to the 'newbie'.. Happy 😊 Days 🌺
Thanks. Yes the 17th go get my labs done I can't wait to find out the results still doing fine.
Hi everyone
Have my results NO hep-c detected in my blood and to keep taking my Harvoni. Everything is going down. Yes!
I too refused Harvoni for all the reasons..I can now highly recommend Zepatier..if you drink lots of water, no apples/grapefruit/healthy eating on treatment, has very few sides.
Hep C healing train on fb..great informative/supportive group
Hi Diamond60 ,
I had Harvonia and Ribavirin treatment, within a fortnight my viral load had gone from over a million down to the low hundreds , and then onto nil ! Undetectable ! I had had a liver transplant so no way did I want my new liver infected by the Hepc , the treatment was incredible no side affect apart from zonking out a bit when people were talking to me ! Get on with the treatment what you got to loose ? I am now 8 months down the line and my liver is great perfect better results than someone my age with their own liver I'm 64 .So what you want cirrhosis or a healthy life .
Hi I'm threw with the harvoni had labs done and no hep c. So I go in Jan for a scan wave on my liver to check on the cirrhosis I have.