Hi guys am due to start the new treatment for hep c on Wednesday can anyone tell me if and what the side affects are please. 5 years ago I had the old treatment and lost hair out weight on and was so poorly for them 12 weeks I’m so scared same will happen again thanks guys xx
Hep c new treatment : Hi guys am due to... - Hepatitis C Trust
Hep c new treatment

the new antivirals are nothing like interferon, I sailed through with no issues and am so pleased I went for treatment. Goodluck. 😊
Hi,i had virtually nothing with epclusa..best wishes
I am on my 2nd week of Mavyret and have not had any side affects. I hope things go well for you too!
took 12 week epclusa, the only side effect i had was leg soreness and minor hair loss which i think will grow back, but it goes by quickly and guarantee you will be neg. i took the interveron in 91 gave me mild stroke that back then was rat poison, but at that time no cure the cure rate was 34% they wanted me to take a year injecting it in my stomach but lasted 2 months, lost 48 lbs. in 2 months it was hell, then my doc said throw it away your liver is good in 20 years they will have a cure well bingo that have. most definetly to will rid of this on the new drugs. everyone is different some say they felt tired i didn't some headaces not me i just had hail loss that bums me out but hoping grows back. you as about to people to one has a answer. did your hair grow back from your last treatment but good luck, drink alot of water and a supplement biotin you will be fine guarantee
Thank you all for your kind reply’s means a lot we’ll got my meds and starting my first 1 today..and what is biotin? X
biotin is a vitamin which greatly improvse the immune system in promoting hair growth and you will see difference in skin, finger nails . but it works extremely on hair. i tell people who are going to take treatment to start on biotin great for new hair growth. also vitamin d and b12. these meds are a lot stronger than you think. if i were to give advise. start drinking alot of water at least 8 glasses a day if you can drink more go fot it. i buy those little flavored packs, cherry, strawberry, lemon mix in water so now it makes it easy to dring a lot of water. me i dont like drinking water but it's a must. i buy the the water in plastic coontainer, i drink about 6 of them that equals 1/2 gallon water. some people can drink a gallon of water not me just get bloated, and i think to much can be bad as it takes a toll on your kidneys big time also you can get stones in your kidney, had that a few times and to have to pee out a small stone which is so painful i never wanted to pee. and when you pee have to pee thru a strainer to make sure you passed stone. i myself know bottle water is not good for you as all the nutrients of water are taken out for taste thats crazy god put water on the earth drink tap water keeps a gallon in your refrigerated to keep cold. whats the name of the bottled water called evian which spelled backwads spells naive phony. now that funny . but everyone different on these meds, if your taling epclusa you will get a neg in 1 week. thats how good it is what make it siperior to oters kills all geno types everyone. i just had a little insomnia which i took unison over the counter sllep med get the one droxylamine ake one 1.2 hr. before bed put you to sleeo. i didn't gain weifgt had some leg cramps but some people haven't. go for it bfore you knoe it it will be over. i did get hair loss on it but most don't. thats why i always post the hair loss for others that have the same side effects. i'm just curious how long before it starts growng again.
Hi thank you got that will go and get some vitamins etc and sleep is a must for me do see how I go if not will get those sleeping tabs Aswell. Yes I drink around 4/5 litres water a day I have done for few years now with working out. I’ve just recently started buying bottled water coz apparently our tap water isn’t good for our liver !? So anything that helps will give a try 😃well my first day taking epclusa today already had headaches and feeling sick for last 2 weeks as am reducing of pregablin. Feel shit ! Thanks again for reply .. on old treatment I lost some hair and it took 3 years to start thickening up and am praying I don’t put weight on either as piled loads on to say I wasn’t eating not sure how that happened!
Im surprised your getting headaces, i didn't get that, didn't put on any weight.
everyone is different tho. i thought the med was a breeze but towards last month of treatment my legs were so sore barely could walk been off meds now 3 months and the leg problem stop about 80%. can't figure how u put weight on. Had problems sleeping, at one time had to get a sleeping pill script for ambien as there were times i didn't sleep for 2 days at a time just miserable. but you are taking the best med for hep it cures all geno types. lost hair alot but i figured it will grow back.
but can't see why you were gaining weight. take the vitamins tho, get on amazon .co. get biotin, b12, d, de-k3 are you on a 12 week treatment
Hi the headaches are from pregablin am coming of them there horrible the side affects! Would of never had them if new this’ 😬well I can’t figure how I put weight on as cauldnt eat hardly as constantly feeling sick and yes am on this epclusa for 12 weeks I got to go for blood tests every four weeks x
got any question shoot me a message but you should breeze right thru. you and i were pretty similair, i took the interveron in 91 thats all they had, man thought i was going to die. sticking that injection in my stomach every day. then in 15 mins felt like total garbage
wanted me to take a year with a cure rate of 37 % back then. i lasted 2 months lost 48 lbs. tons of hair no sleep, attitude almost lost my business. worst time of my life. back then doctors knew nothing about hep c it's not that old of a disease, to be honest they still don'y know that much, the thing that upsets me i remember in the seventies i knew guys when they needed to get high they would give blood got $30. how could the goverment be that dumb and wasn't screening blood. Look how many people were infected by hiv on blood transfusions and hep c back in the eighties. some one should have answered to that alot of innocent people died kids etc. no one was held responsible fucking embabassing. was reading 30% of people with these diseases died from blood transfusions, tatoos etc.
i predict in 8 years to cure hepc it will be a single injection no pills nothing just injection, look at how many different meds they have come up with in last 2 years, the problem most people die as expense is crazy and most don't have insurance.. whats crazy i got lucky, gilead called me wanted a w2 before they sold me drugs they wanted $65.000 and a $10.000 copay. but i was luckly and had my own business to pay fot it. well i never sent w2 in 2 days i received the meds thinking what the hell is this all meds came with a note copay 000000. so i called whats up with this never sent w2, they said don;t complain you received a grant from the Pan Foundation . i asked hows that. they never answered me you got at no charge. so i took 12 weeks and cured lucky
no no bad all good nothing like you mentioned u went thru before this is a walk in the park compared to old. you won't put weight on, or if you do maybe meds mahe u hungry, i usded to take trazodone for sleep and boy that will put wait on you the med wont, its whats in the med it makes you keep eating. i havent took trazodone in three months and lost 27 lbs. the strong appetite went away. for somereason i had hair loss alot of people say no they didn;t but i don't believe that then again everyone is differnt. make sure you drink alot of wate to get the meds out. i had very severe pain knees down, i mean really bad, just starting to subside been off meds 3 months now. 12 wwks will go by fast
Hi where do you get trazadone from ?
You would get from a doc. trazodon mainly was treated for depression going back 40 years, in last 10 years they said it made peolple very drowesy to sleep on. which when i firsr took it put me to sleep but after a week(now everyone is different) it gave me rebound insomnia it just put me in a daze and never put me to sleep so i threw it away. but alot of people say to me that it works for them give it a try they come in 50mg tabs which you can break in half which would be 25 mg. i would start with that. just tell your doctor you have problem sleeping on meds your are taking for hep and you heard about trazodone. me personally i would ask for lunesta or i use ambien 10mg now that works for sure. sometime i figure well i will take a trazozdone tonite to find out i'm up all nite. so i dont take that anymore. they say 40% of people has a rebound effect which will keep u up all nite. im in that 40. try it tho it may work for you when it works knocks you out without hangover and you don't get addicted to it