have had numerous types of palpitations for over 40 years and now they are destroying my life for some reason I cannot accept they are benign and I fear every symptom that goes with them does anybody have a method for diverting attention from them and not to dwell on them constantly
persistent palpitations : have had... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
persistent palpitations

Hiya Sorry not to have advice for trying to ignore them but just wondering if you have tried treatment to suppress them physically eg medication or ablation? Perhaps all treatments have failed for you? Best wishes
Do you know what percentage of your beats are ectopic? I had 22% measured on Holter monitor over 72 hours. There is evidence with a high load of ectopics they can affect heart muscle. Antiarrythmics such as Flecainide work for the vast majority so it’s a shame if they don’t work for you
Hi again Think most people’s ectopics are irregular like yours. I could go all day without any then they’d be relentless for a couple of hours in the night so I couldn’t sleep. Once the drug worked I felt like a different person. I understand your burden over 24 hours was low but given your stress and anxiety about them I wonder if it’s worth ( albeit a sledgehammer to crack a nut) you taking eg Flecainide so you eradicate them? Or even a trial of it and see how you feel?
It is an option I have been considering but being a mega anxious person worry about side effects and whether benefits counter balance in my darkest hours I would take anything so may take that course of action I just feel so helpless at times and yet I am quite an intelligent person but when symptoms strike common sense goes out the window
I understand. You can tell yourself rationally that they’re harmless but when your heart’s leaping about every other beat of course it makes us anxious. I’ve had no side effects from Flecainide and if you do you could just stop it. Good luck and hope things get better for you whatever you decide