Would you like to take part in a new study?
The AFFIRMO project is a collation of several sub-projects and open to all candidates with the following attributes:
If you are aged 65+ have Atrial Fibrillation and live in the UK or EU, then we would like your help.
We have been approached by The University of Manchester to recruit individuals with Atrial Fibrillation to provide an input for a new digital (on-line) health intervention. This digital intervention will use a mobile app that provides customised content relating to atrial fibrillation.
You will be required to attend a 60-90 minute virtual (on-line) workshop to take part in the study. For further details, you can visit: affirmo.eu/
If you are keen to find out more details, then please contact:
Mr S Antrobus dhs-support@manchester.ac.uk
Thank you for your support and time, it really is much appreciated.