It can often be a daunting experience upon receiving news of a new health condition. If you would like to share your patient story with us to help provide support to others, who may be finding themselves in a similar situation? Please contact: Tracy Goodman
Do you have a story to share? - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Do you have a story to share?
Hi Tracy......I’m a almost 74 yr old woman with a history of lifelong sincope ,that was never understood or diagnosed until I was 60 yrs old . I had an episode one day whereby I was taken to A&E and subsequently sent for more in depth tests. On a treadmill test shortly afterwards I started to feel unwell and the test stopped ,the technician asking if I had “Brugada”! I’d never heard of it ,but she had noted a peculiarity on the ECG read out. I was sent to a cardiologist, and had an angiogram which showed nothing significant. I was then directed to a cardiologist/electrophysiologist at a nearby heart hospital . I was subjected to various investigations including the “Adjmeline challenge” . I found this particularly daunting as it was unpleasant . However ,it confirmed suspicions and was positive. From there I saw a geneticist and family history was investigated. It was then a fairly new discovery of the condition .’back in 2007 . A cousin had died suddenly in the early 60s as undiagnosed and this was then suspected to maybe the condition. My family were invited to be tested but only one member took up the offer. There were no other signs of heart problems in anyone though. My parents were long passed away so no chance of a trace through them.
I was fitted with an ICD within days and was at the time devastated by the diagnosis. ....but grateful it had been discovered. I worried and was terrified for weeks and then it dawned that I’d already been living with it for 60 yrs!!! So, decided to get on with “normal” life. I’ve travelled the world since , and lived perfectly normally. I watch my diet, and am luckily naturally slim and active. I drive a little sports car,and am a 24hr,carer for my husband who has advanced MS. I have survived multiple major surgeries in my life including ,bilateral talipes at birth, 3 abdominal surgeries in my 30s and 40s, bowel cancer in my 60s ,and I’m now in recovery from a full hip replacement!! to all those out there newly diagnosed with whatever .....”TakeHeart” (excuse the pun) ,but I’m a pretty good example of overcoming what may seem at the time to be the impossible. I hope this little tale will inspire others.