I have a history of nicely controlled AF (ablation a couple of years ago) and atrial arrhythmias but 9 days ago my heart rate jumped to 135 and has stubbornly stayed there. After a trip to A&E I’m on digoxin and bisoprolol but with absolutely no effect. Any ideas?
Fast heart rate: I have a history of... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Fast heart rate

I'm no medic but it doesn't sound like a good idea to stay in a continual heart rate of 135 . Contact your GP for further advice. How much Bisoprolol are you taking? Maybe the dose needs increasing. In the dim and distant past I was prescribed Digoxin to absolutely no effect other than make me very depressed.

Hello there, how are you feeling now? If you continue to experience symptoms, it is advisable to contact your health provider for advice. Alternatively, contact Arrhythmia Alliance : info@heartrhythmalliance.org. Take care, Tracy
I am on 125MCG Digoxin. I am in Chronic Afib. The digoxin slows my heart rate to allow my heart to fill with blood. A high heart rate is a good indication the heart hasn’t enough time to fill, therefore, leaving it “fluttering “ and not supplying enough blood to vital organs, also chancing a blood clot when it begins to pool. My cardiologist has me on Coumadin, Digoxin, and a cardiac pacemaker to compensate if my rate gets too slow. I am 62 years old, and am paced at 75bpm.
Having had two ablations and four cardio versions I am much improved but left experiencing a cyclic in rhythm for maybe two weeks followed by a week with erratic rhythm and BPM of 120-160. I am on 10mg of Bisoporol per day and 1.25mg ramipril as well as 2 times apixaban- my cardiologist has effectively discharged me as my symptoms are ‘just what happens’ and nothing to worry about. I also get regular muscle aches (especially in arms & shoulders) and extreme tiredness when heart racing.