I have had rapid heart beat attacks (SVT) since childhood. It used to be triggered by heavy exercise like running or playing soccer in childhood once every few years. Then once a decade in adulthood. My last major SVT attack occurred in 2008 when I was in the middle of sex. It lasted many hours and my heart had to be brought back to normal by injection. Since then I have had a few minor attacks ALL DURING SEX each lasting a few seconds only.
Unfortunately recently (two months ago) my SVT has evolved into a much more serious heart condition and that occurred also during sex when my heart went into fast but IRREGULAR heart beat (AFIB). This was a very bad development as AFIB is far more serious than SVT. They put me n blood thinner and I am about to see a cardiologist next week. My ECG taken a few days a few days ago showed everything fine with my heart structure. I took cough medicine the day before the AFIB attack and I wonder if they may be related as when I read the instructions the day after it said those with heart disease must avoid (I never considered SVT as heart disease) If so this may be good news for me as it could mean a one time attack (OTC related AFIB attack) as long as I avoid OTC
I am surprised that there aren't much more articles relating SVT/AFIB attacks to sex or orgasm and this is a major problem for me and I can hardly fine related posts. Anyone experiencing same please post.