Light headedness slowly levelling out, even eyesight beginning to normalise, which were why in hospital? BUT flaking of skin on hands and dramatically my feet, which are now red and swollen, tired legs, hands tired, dramatic fatigue! [walking sore!] This has happened since being prescribed aspirin 75mg beginning of month, via hospital visit! Any alternatives?
Prescribed aspirin to thin my blood, skul... - Healthy Evidence
Prescribed aspirin to thin my blood, skull fracture, led to light headedness, lack of balance, hospital prescribed aspirin! Side effects?
I have not heard of aspirin commonly having that adverse effect. If you think it ight be the cause, there are other options. Warfarin (coumadin) and Eliquis (apixaban) are two options. Eliquis has a much lower risk of bleeding, but Warfarin is much cheaper so many formularies prefer it.
Hope you are feeling better ASAP.
Thanks as usual, Hunter, the hands started flaking soon after I left hospital beginning of June and started taking prescribed aspirin, thought it was just good weather, mentioned it at a local chemist "check your feet!" [Why?] I did, fatigue again, just to time of year, then I checked my feet, what a mess, raw red swollen, skin off completely bottom of both feet, socks bits of skin in them, very dramatic! I asked chemist again [not my usual!] he told me tell my GP about it! I am using plenty of E45 dermatological cream on my hands, which seems to work, but my feet?😲 Open sandals at present!
Ouch? Just been reading side effects of these dispersible aspirin tablets, there are a lot of fine lines here, will DEFINITELY have to have face to face conversation about these with my GP, not over the phone! I have taken ordinary aspirin tablets for years, which I will have to stop! These are completely different, too many conflictions with my present epilepsy medications, lisinopril for HBP, metformin, medical conditions; osteoarthritis, stroke, diabetes 2, [even schwannomatosis?] this was a hospital that prescribed me these tablets. another reason for, are they fully aware of my complete medical history?🥴