I use my old faithful laptop a lot [okay just over two years old, but microsoft thinks it is old enough to get upgraded🙄] I am 67, retired but typing is a nightmare, I suppose mainly due to my colourful, array of medical conditions, but I want to stay away from medications, because I KNOW they are only very short term 'solutions', and am rightly terrified of side effects and later reactions to them, even typing this has taken me 1/2 hour just to get this far, I'm a real stickler for correct wording, annoying but that's my way! Three years ago, pre-pandemic no problem! Any natural solutions or helpers at least, it gets me annoyed and I know anger don't help my typing😤
Any way of lessening essential tremors? U... - Healthy Evidence
Any way of lessening essential tremors? Usually you should try this drug, or this, etc, would meditation be a relieving way?

You can get software that you say what you want to write and it converts it into the written form. In fact it is more accurate in my case than if a type it in myself. On my iPad there is a microphone on the keypad part. I just press it and I speak. My iPad is six years old.
Interesting🤔 Usually not a great fan of technology, but?
It came free with my iPad
I sit here with my 13th laptop, and my call and text senior mobile phone👌 Doh! wot's an iPad something you get free with a Cornflake packet?🤭 Sorry I DO NOT like smartphones, micro-wave, dish washer, etc, I'm a relic of the 20th century, been using laptop's for 20 years, my old job genealogist/historian! Reckon some sort of meditation will have to do? Thanks piglette you've always given some good suggestions over the past👍
My first computer was a Tandy RadioShack!
I had a windows 97? or was it a windows 98? [I know it was late 1990's] I was using computers in the 1990's for a data base project for the Ulster American Folk Park which started in 1991🙃🙄
I had Windows 95 but upgraded to 2000.
Unfortunately piglette found out the reason for "shaky hands" it's a side effect of the broken skull 💀can't really do anything about them!🤯🤢😒
I am so sorry. I fell backwards and hit my head recently and noticed I had a tremor for a while but I think it is improving.
For all my sins at my local Health Centre in Jan 2018, a double seizure, 'taken' to local hospital, transferred to another, where I came to eight hours later, transferred back, then politely given some pain killers, and shown the door, July 2021, side effects of [I'm sure I've said this before?] AZ vaccine, casual CT scan, officially given my terminal diagnosis🙄🤬Sorry piglette my hands shaking very bad writing this, just reinforces it, .......breathe out, breathe in😵😮
It would mean that you would not have problems typing. I just have my iPad now my desktop computer died in March.
I have problems typing, cannot get fingers on laptop keyboard, flying up and down, last worktop I had could accept floppy discs, its getting fingers on right keys, fixing spelling all the time, patience endureth? My whole body shaking, staying calm, I have used computers back in 1990's just fingers does behave themselves, not accurate as they used to be!