I have multiple sclerosis I was wondering if you could help me out with what I should be eating, and weather you could work me out a weekly plan so I can do it all for the week,I know that's being cheeky but ì would love your help I have RRMS very aggressive so it's not nice
Help me with my diet for my multiple scle... - Healthy Evidence
Help me with my diet for my multiple sclerosis plesse

Sorry to read you have MS.
Have you looked into the fact it might be Lyme? Test are not very good.
Lyme Disease and MS have a link with the way tryptophan is broken down into a neurotoxin called Qunolinic Acid.
Sertonin, melatonin, 5HTP, St Johns wort and morphine as well as psychatric medicine should be avoided.
It causes fits heart attacks and strokes. By increasing the fibragen levels. (D-dimer test.)
I suppose vitiams fiber fruit veg protein. Exercise if you are not too ill.
The T cells are effected in Lyme the same as cancer and aids.
They are developing vaccines based on T cells but don't hold your breath.
Cause vaccines have problems.
I hope you find the help you need here. I just want to say - just in case - that B12 deficiency is quite often misdiagnosed as MS. B12 deficiency also demylinates the nerves, causes paralysis, dementia, but is curable with B12 sublingually or injected. In the UK and much of Europe the 'therapeutic range' is set too low for many people and many think we should aim for more than 500 pg/mL. There is a good article plus films about B12 and misdiagnosis here: candobetter.net/node/4463
Sorry to hear you have MS!
Have you had support from a charity or organisation involved with this condition?
Here's a few links I found from sites you could explore, & some pdf fikes on the Swank diet:
Dear Jonathan - here is a complete programme for you.
You need an anti-inflammatory diet which is high omega 3, supplement with v high quality eg Nordic oil, low omega 6 i.e. cut out sunflower and vegetable oil, this balances the eicosanoid hormone system which is the command and control of the immune system, then control insulin levels by cutting out starch i.e. high glycaemic load, cutting out refined sugar i.e. high glycaemic index foods, as this disrupts the immune system (see Omega RX zone diet) replacing with 6-7 veg, multi coloured). Check if you are allergic or sensitive to any foods and eliminate them as this creates leaky gut putting the immune system under pressure. Do not eat any man made trans fats as these disrupt the immune system. Then have prebiotic and probiotic to get the flora working for you and producing butyrate and protecting against infection and leaky gut. Then supplement vitamin D3 (normal MS advice) then supplement co-enzyme q10 in the form of ubiquinol, 500mg per day, and supplement with very high quality whey protein concentrate eg Pink Sun to boost glutathione levels which is your detox and anti oxidant system and also helps with the production of eicosanoids. Everything is interlinked. Finally have some 'me time' to de-stress.
All the best