I have NF2 and had it for many years. But recently have acquired the brown marks around top left chest, obviously not heart trouble, but causing considerable pain in that region. I can breathe normally, the pain under the skin, uncomfortable, but could it indirectly affect the heart?
Neurofibromatosis NF2 affecting main org... - Healthy Evidence
Neurofibromatosis NF2 affecting main organs?
Have you been to see your GP to discuss the pain?
Have you heard of the Neuro Foundation? They have some information on neurofibromatosis 2 nfauk.org/what-is-neurofibr...
Have got the web site address, but since I wrote my question have found I have Angina, which explains my chest pains!
A very important site, a real eye opener for both myself and my GP, myself for the condition and so he could refer for future patients with the same condition. Suspicion by the specialists after a DAT scan for Parkinson's disease was negative, but the reading was NOT normal, a neuroma on the brain has just been suggested [yesterday]. I had complained previously of chest pains, which was wrongly diagnosed as angina, it in fact was the worsening of scholosis [curvature of the spine] a side effect of NF2, the worry of this led to shingles, by the way I'm a right hypochondriac does not help?