Please suggest foods to increasing immunity power.
what to eat for increasing immunity power? - Healthy Eating
what to eat for increasing immunity power?

Hello elizabethbrownall the image certainly adds drama to your post! But this is a great question and the best way to boost our immune system is to eat a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and veg with adequate exercise and sleep is very important to keeping our immune system tip top. It’s also worth being mindful of what weakens our immune system like smoking and drinking excess alcohol so we have to treat our bodies holistically to have a healthy sense of well being.
Here’s a link about food to boost our immune system, please see:
I hope this helps and I’m curious if you have a condition that has weakened your immune system.

Thanks for your link jerry, really it is helpful to me.

Hi Jerry, we like the Mediterranean way of adding colour to the plate so we add as much variety as possible to our meals. As you know I have CLL so a very compromised immune. Just one week into my treatment now but all going well so far. I will look at your link shortly. Not for you I know but we have a Spanish style sausage and chorizo casserole in slow cooker now for dinner tonight. Lots of mushrooms, carrots, celery,peppers and chilli in a rich tomato base sauce. Stay well and safe xxx
Hey you enjoy your slow cooked Spanish style sausage it sounds a lovely meal. And I agree about variety in our diet I buy lots of seasonal fruit and veg. So I think that you're doing really well. 😊
Hi there, my understanding is in tune with Jerry below, but I would add diversity. Diversity in your diet. I believe that the more variety of foods that you eat the more diverse the bacteria in your gut becomes. This produces a stronger healthier immune system.
If you are thinking about coronavirus, the most important risk factors (after age and gender, but you can't change those) were related to metabolic syndrome: visceral obesity, diabetes and elevated blood sugar and hypertension. After that are disease states like cardiovascular disease and asthma, which are a separate issue.
If you have any of those risk factors, they are most important thing is to address. The best way to get your blood sugar in control is to cut out sugar and starchy carbs from you diet. Your blood sugar will drop immediately and (in my experience and in studies) visceral obesity and hypertension will drop too. This will naturally lead to an increase in veggies in your diet as Jerry and Faith33 advised, to fill the place on your plate that used to hold rice, bread and pasta. Add natural fats (animal fat, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil) for satiety, to increase enjoyment and to increase vitamin absorption; if you eat an undressed salad or one with only fat free dressing, your body can't absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K without fat.
Hi Elizabeth looking at your previous posts I see you asked which foods are good for heart heath and the answer is oats - oats are one of the foods that can legally claim on the packet to be good for your heart because it has been scientifically proven that they are , organic oats are best , overnight oats are worth looking into
"the vast majority of people eat so differently from how we are designed to eat that they become chronically unwell."
Pardon me for saying but as someone with multiple auto-immune conditions I find this an upsetting statement, it infers blame.
Prior to developing my symptoms of disease I ate an extremely healthy diet. Genetics, environment and many other factors result in chronic illness. It's not because we've just eaten cake and biscuits, not that I ever ate them anyway.
I came on this forum to talk about healthy eating, not to watch video about theories about how to avoid cancer. This forum gives me the opportunity to give me a break from my health problems whereas this video feels like it's ramming disease prevention down my throat. My fault for getting sick. Naughty me, should have done better, my fault, didn't eat enough blah blah blah.
Yup, I joined a forum about HE. I can't enjoy a forum about healthy eating which happens to distract me from my health issues when there is an agenda. Stupid, uneducated us for not eating enough of this and that and getting a life limiting disease. How irresponsible of us. Highly offensive.
So now you're saying that people aren't intelligent enough to research, understand and educate themselves about healthy eating? We've all been misled? Who's misled us? Maybe we're able to make our own individual assessment and decisions?
Hi folks this post has become personal so I'm turning off replying.
Personal comments are against HU guidelines so this post will have some of the replies edited and or deleted.
Thank you,