Hello guys, just recently I acknowledged the fact that I have a juuling problem, which caused me to lose 45 pounds in the course of two years. The nicotine was suppressing my appetite more than normal. This isn’t a joke or a laughing matter, I’m actually quite nervous because I’m underweight. I weigh 127 pounds at 5’11, and I’m a male. I wanted to know if anyone could possibly share some items I could shop for that could help me gain weight healthily? And if there’s any specific workouts I should shoot for? I’m very serious about my health, and I want nothing more than to get back into healthy weight and exercise to avoid problems in the future. Thanks in advance!
I’m underweight, please help!: Hello guys... - Healthy Eating
I’m underweight, please help!

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Have you talked to your doctor about starting/changing your diet? Have you scheduled an appointment?
No, I’ve actually been kinda worried about going to the doctors even though I know I should. I was hoping I could start my own diet and monitor my weight from there, and if I can’t gain any weight I’d go to the doctor. Suggestions?
When I was a teen I was depressed and I became underweight. My primary care physician suggested muscle milk as a supplement for weight gain. Along with eating 3 regular meals to help bring up my appetite
Please call your doctor and talk with them to make sure it’s okay, first so you don’t get sick or worse. No one wants anything to happen to you.😀👍
I will. It’s just that I’m 19 and I’ve never been one to be concerned with my health up until recently. I understand that being underweight is a problem, which is why I stopped juuling right away. My main problem right now is that I feel full really fast when I eat, which makes it hard to get the nutrients I need. However, I noticed that I could never break past 124 pounds until this morning, when I hit 127.8. I understand that weight can fluctuate a lot, but it was really nice to see the number raise past what it was for months. Seeing a doctor worries me to death, but I’ll schedule an appointment and make my issues known with him. (By the way, I stopped juuling two days ago cold turkey, to give you an idea of when I actually acknowledged my issue. I haven’t had an urge to hit a juul at all, I care too much about life for a stupid e-cigarette.)
Also, I experienced rapid weight gain when I started working at Dairy Queen. I was eating it every single day. (That 50% off gets to you.) once I got fired was when I started to experience weight loss. It might’ve been a combination of nicotine plus the lack of fast food my body was so used to consuming. I thought this might be important information.
That’s fantastic!😀👍
What do you usually have to eat for your meals for now? Do you have any food allergies?
Now I tend to eat chicken and steak, as well as fruits such as bananas, apples, and grapes. I eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and I try to drink a glass of chocolate milk once in a while. Oh and cereal is the shit. No food allergies whatsoever!
I'd suggest protien so chicken , steak , pork ect, id also reccomened healthy fats, avocado , nut butters, coconut oil, olive oil ect. You can either eat three meals a day or if you find you get full quick you try 5 small meals a day.
What is juuling?
I had to look it up, it’s vaping.
OP you are a little underweight for your height and age and as Activity2004 has already advised you I would urge you to see your doctor.
You can put on weight by consuming more calories than you burn, but it’s probably better for you in the longer term to do this gradually with healthy food rather than bombard your system with junk food.
It’s best to see your doctor though as if you have been undereating for a while you may be low in some vitamins and minerals and need supplements while you get your appetite back and weight up a little. Good luck.
Hi, I know how difficult it is to put on weight and have seen various dieticians . Like the others said, it is worth getting checked out by a doctor and it might be worth asking if you can be referred to a dietician who will work with you and find the best diet for you. Milk is often recommended, but as I don't like milk I was told to snack on nuts and add calories to all meals - add grated cheese, butter, oils, seeds, nuts to things. Small things that don't fill you up too much but add calories.
Good luck