I just read in my which magazine that if a baby grew as fast as a chicken the way they are reared, it would weigh 28 stone by its 3rd birthday. thank god i dont eat it. I think this is so very sad, and thats only one thing that was mentioned.
Chicken.: I just read in my which magazine... - Healthy Eating

Hi Grace my friend how are you not seen you on here for some time I'm still in the same groups still coping all the best david
Hi grace111
I'll try to look out for that article. Is it in the current edition of 'Which' Magazine?
Hope you're well, and nice to see you again in Healthy eating forum.
Wishing you a great week.
yes its mAY 2019 The truth about supermarket chicken.(Thats one of the headlines on the cover.) thats all of the supermarkets by name, including marks and spencer. lots more horrible facts about the lies on the packaging as well.
I'm glad which are looking at things like this. I'll keep an eye out for that article as I have a friend who gets the magazine.
Having watched animal farm exposure videos showing chickens collapsing under their own weight when I read this my initial reaction was what on earth are we doing supporting a chicken industry that distorts chickens so badly. Of course the case with turkeys is far worse.
And then I reminded myself that societies that eat the most chicken also have the highest rates of obesity. Perhaps another example of you are what you eat!
Those chickens never get near their 3rd birthdays nor their 2nd. It is disgusting what humans do to animals
I saw a food program on channel 4 recently (can't remember the name) and they visited a 'modern' chicken farm, it wasn't battery but the birds were still cramped together.
It stuns me the lack of empathy humans show to these animals and level of dissociation needed for the presenter and farmer to have a calm discussion about how many chickens were being 'raised'and 'produced' like this.
I read somewhere that the chickens in the supermarket go from an egg to the shelf in 40 days. one woman on a cooking programme saw red lines on her raw chicken and it was later revealed that it was stretch marks from the way they were being forced to grow fat. it is disgusting.