Hi guys, i wanted to know what cooking oils people are using. As i have started a healthy diet to reduce my weight i wanted to know what people are using. As there are so many options at supermarkets these days for oils you can find a range of oils like Olive oil, Coconut oil, sunflower oil, Sesame oil, Avocado oil and many more. What are people using and why are you using it??
What cooking oils are people using to cook ... - Healthy Eating
What cooking oils are people using to cook their meals?

I dry fry - so I don't use any oils at all - adding water or vinegar if necessary to stop sticking.
This helps keep my total fat intake low
I use coconut oil to cook as it doesn't become unstable when heating like olive oil.
How is the coconut oil, do you get a after taste of coconut in your food?
I use coconut oil or butter with high heat frying for the same reason- they don't become too unstable when heated (which creates very toxic byproducts). Olive oil is also good enough. Extra virgin less stable but still better than a lot of veg or seed oils. Sesame oil, linseed, flaxseed etc are good for adding after your food has been baked or dry fried. I do find the coconut oil leaves the vaguest hint of coconut but I have never mindedthe flavour. I suggest trying it. It's really good for cooking healthily.
I don't notice too much. A slight flavor, but I'm used to it, it isn't off putting. I buy unrefined, Non-GMO, virgin organic coconut oil. The oil has Medium Chain fatty acids and is good for you. Your body doesn't store it but sends it to your liver to burn as energy. The oils you want to stay away from are the heavily processed and inflamatory hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils like soy bean, safflower, canola and sun flower oil. They are modified so much, that they actually damage your artery walls causing your body to produce cholesterol to repair the damage which then causes plaque. Coconut oil isn't unstable when heated. Olive oil is also a healthy option in salad dresses, but shouldn't be heated. Beef Tallow can also be used to cook in, but beef tallow should be organic from grass fed animals that are not given anti-biotics/growth hormones etc.
Which brand are you using? There are many to choose from online ?
I'm using one from Tropical Plantation Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. I bought it at Walmart here in the states that came in a two-pack, so 72oz for like 20 some dollars.
As long as it's Virgin coconut and unrefined/chemical free you should be good to go! Not sure if I can post links in here, but this is it: amazon.com/Tropical-Plantat...
Nice info. So i assume you are using olive oil right?
I second the Ghee - that is a GREAT option as well!
I have ordered this Coconut oil as it is cold pressed & extra Virgin & Odourless bargain for £4.99 - amazon.co.uk/Odourless-Coco... Let see how it goes After i use this will check out for some GHEE!
Do away with all oils, you do not need them. You can cook stir fries and all other foods with stock, water juice etc. You will lose weight
I want to loose weight but i cant do with bland food using water or stock water as it wont be flavorsome.
Food cooked without oil certainly isn't bland.
Although some oils like coconut are strongly flavoured, most of the flavour from frying is due to the caramelisation of whatever is being fried due to the high temperature, and the oil then carries this flavour, but water or other liquids can work just as well.
You need to look at Forks over Knives website, full of tasty recipes, I certainly do not each bland food
My doctor suggested olive oil
Yeah, it was crazy - maybe 25 bucks, but I know they bundled two together. My wife and I thought it was a steal!
I also believe avocado oil is a good choice. Haven't done too much research on it though.
hi ,
Rapeseed oil is healthy, lowest saturated fat content, 10 times more omega 3 than olive oil high in vitamin E
Good luck
Hello daviddonovan119
I cook with Mild Coconut oil Cuisine. Biona organic. Great benefit to cooking in coconut oil as the liver can burn the coconut oil as energy.
"Polyunsaturated Oils make You Inflamed & Sick" : Gary Fettke.
There's a lot of good pointers to good nutrition from this talk.
Rapeseed oil. The burning point is higher
I enjoy using coconut oil for my breakfasts. It gives eggs a great flavor. It also has many other great uses!