This is my first ever blog so sorry if its rubbish. Some 1 told me it makes you feel better if u write stuff down so here it goes. i feel really angry and annoyed and i dont even no why i dont often feel like this
first: This is my first ever blog so sorry if its... - Headway
I feel like this a lot and I've not suffered a brain injury! My mum and dad both had subarachnoid haemmorages within 8 months, other things have happened too its been a pretty poo year all in all! I read somewhere that screaming into a pillow helps, not tried it though, think I would feel a bit silly! Sorry, I know it's a bit of a daft reply but sometimes daft is good! I hope you feel a bit better soon, we all get like this from time to time, don't be too hard on yourself, hopefully you will wake up tomorrow feeling less cross xx
thanks but i cant talk so screaming into a pillow is out of the question lol
Ok, not the best suggestion then, would punching it be an option?! Xx
I think i need 2 go 2 bed that might help
This was a response i wrote to someone else a short while ago i have copied it because writing it all again is too hard the bit in the quotes below
i still get angry for no reason, and sit there boiling over, i don't know why
next i am guessing like me he may have a had a lot of different therapy over the years, i found anger management the least effective to someone with a brain injury, then i had many many different types of relaxation therapy (which is very difficult when you are constantly in a fight or flight mode and the adrenaline is pumping around) but although they didn't really help, i have picked up the odd bit of distraction to take my mind away from it.
next up was Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, this was the best thing for me it helps you reclassify things in your head (i don't know how but it does) i had 4yrs of it but it depends on the person and the injury etc...
now the CBT is the one thing that has helped me the most, but my most effective strategy is i have learned not to put myself in situations where i get angry or could trigger my anger, if i feel i am out of my depth, i walk away (well wheel away lol) this is not always effective as you cant always avoid these type of situations.
i was lucky enough to be treated by the same people who treated Terry Waite, (the former Lebanon hostage) insurance paid and cost about £6000 (probably more now) and involved a two week stay at ticehurst house, this helped a lot, even though i didn't think i had ptsd and it helped me a lot
i don't deal with negativity or moaners well, so i avoid these people.
so for me it boils down to the CBT, avoidance of situations that trigger me, and distraction techniques. (and some anti depressants)
Hi Nick, read the 'letter from my brain' in my blog pages. I copied from Brain and Spine website. It might help you, it did me. Good luck.
Hi Nick, hope you are feeling better today xx
thanks people am feeling better