Will my Dad speak again??: My Dad had a massive SAH... - Headway


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Will my Dad speak again??

29 Replies

My Dad had a massive SAH in August, he wasn't expected to survive but he did. To be honest if anyone could it would be him, he was as fit as a fiddle and very young at heart. But he is still unable to speak or walk. He was in a coma for 3 weeks and at first we thought he had no use of his limbs whatsoever, however he now has really good grip in both hands. He has spoken a couple of times but that seems to have stopped and he isn't progressing speech wise at present. He appears to understand when asked a question and shows this by nodding or shaking his head but its hard to know how much he does understand. He has been moved to a specialist rehab unit and hopefully the Speech therapist will help. Has anyone experienced this, I would be really grateful for any feedback. I know he will never be the same man again and I know through previous chats with him that this situation is one that terrified him, I just wish I knew how to help him.

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29 Replies
brighton88 profile image

I wish him well

in reply to brighton88

Thank you x

ncmurphy1951 profile image

kubilu woth a sah frankly who knows i was lucky all i can say is keep the faith speech and labguage therapist wor wonders all i can say from wjat you have said he clearly understands what is asked of him i hope the next step will be a cohesive reply the walking took me a full year and now 6 years on i still walk with a stick neil

brighton88 profile image
brighton88 in reply to ncmurphy1951

I'm the same with the walking, and using a stick can be fun when I'm in a shop and use it to point at what I want. I had to change from a wooden stick to a metal one as my dog would become frustrated at me walking slow; grab my stick and run off with it, it ended up so chewed I kept getting splinters

in reply to brighton88

It is important to keep a sense of humour, I love your comment! My mum also had a SAH last December but not as severe as Dads, she said some really strange things at the time but we are able to laugh with her about them now, she went to visit the nurses about 6 months later and she was well remembered for her antics, they even named the cleaner after her! X

in reply to ncmurphy1951

Thanks Neil, I know it will be a long journey, it just gets a bit overwhelming sometimes, mainly because I know he must be frightened and frustrated x

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iforget profile image

It can be a slow process and everyone heals at a different rate. I have a TBI but did not have a SAH. However some years ago my favourite cousin had a SAH and he too was not expected to survive.

For my cousin the rehab process was lengthy and there were times when he seemed to get a bit stuck but by the end of it he had made great progress. He still has some physical disability issues and his speech is not as clear as it once was but he can hold a simple conversation, especially with someone who allows him time to process. As time has passed he has also adapted and found ways to compensate so even years later there are signs of small improvements.

I know this may seem like it is taking forever for your Dad to recover but in terms of TBI it is still early days. Do not lose hope, hang in there...and remember to take good care of you too in all of this. I wish your Dad and your family all the best in your journey.

in reply to iforget

Thank you, it helps to hear other people's experiences x

Jigsaw profile image

Hi my SAH was no where near the level of your poor dads but the thing I've learnt most is allow time! I realise how difficult this must be for all of you but the brain can only recover slowly and in its own way. Your dads head is trying so hard to recover right now but no one can see from the outside the progress it's making

My family were the most important thing in my recovery and your dad has a truly wonderful daughter in you

Thinking of you all. Linda xx

in reply to Jigsaw

Hi again jigsaw, thank you. I think yours was similar to my Mums, although hers was much less severe she still has some difficulties especially fatigue and short term memory x

Jigsaw profile image
Jigsaw in reply to

I'm so sorry, we have spoken before about your mum, feel bad as I didn't make the connection because of the new photo of your lovely dad!

So sorry you are going thro such a difficult time!

Thinking of you, Linda xx

in reply to Jigsaw

That's ok, please don't feel bad, it's lovely that you have replied xx

lissaip profile image

Hi, I had a catastrophic sah and multiple organ failure and I was not expected to survive but just over a year later I am getting there. I can talk, walk read and write. My family say that at first I was just nodding or shaking my head no and they worried that I could not speak. Gradually I started just saying yes no again my family worried but I started talking again but got stuck on some words which to be honest I still do but got it sorted be seeing a s&l therapist. I could not walk either as I was paralysed on my right side. Again it has started to work gradually but I have been left with a bad shoulder and pins and needles in my right foot. I don't remember much about the first 2 hospitals as my mind has blocked it so maybe your dad will aswell, don't lose hope for him yet it is still early days. Speedy recovery for him.

in reply to lissaip

Thanks for taking the time to reply, I am so sorry to hear what you went through and am glad you have recovered as much as you have after such a severe SAH. People's experiences are the best information as the doctors are unable to say how Dad will recover x

jord38 profile image

Hi, I had a SAH in October and just want to wish your dad a full recovery.. I am on a couple of brain aneurysm support groups and it really helps me talking to people who have been through it and can reassure me regarding symptoms etc. If you are interested pm me and I will send you links. Take care x

in reply to jord38

Thanks so much, I will message you for the info, all the best x

jord38 profile image

I have sent you the links hun, hope they are of help to you x

Flumptious profile image

I'm afraid I have no idea. I fell off my bicycle in 2005. I had a TBI, but no SAH. My husband tool a photo of the sign they put up over my bed.

"Pam is able to communicate by blinking, once for "Yes" and twice for "no". This can be variable..."

I have no memory of that at all, but I can talk fine now, thankfully (as I was able to go back to my job eventually - I am a lecturer at a university. I don't speak the same way I used to, but everyone can understand me).

in reply to Flumptious

It's good to hear how much you have recovered, Thank you for replying, everyone has been fantastic and it helps to hear all the different experiences. It also gives me a bit of reassurance that Dad may hopefully have some quality of life eventually. X

ncmurphy1951 profile image

i have to put this all into perspective as i am very upset on monday i will be at the funeral of one of my best and oldest friends who was there for me during my illness died cancer on boxing day we should all be thankful we are still here in whatever form that may take neil

in reply to ncmurphy1951

I am so sorry to hear about your friend Neil I truly am, there are lots of people who are experiencing bad times, life can be cruel and I feel for anyone suffering. In the past 3 years my mum has had cancer, a SAH and is now waiting to have her gall bladder removed but obviously I am thankful I still have her. My Aunty had cancer and my uncle has had a bone marrow transplant but is still very ill. My grandad died and my cousins 13 month old son died in very unpleasant circumstances. My dad then had his severe SAH. On top of all this I work full time and have a four year old son to look after. All this aside, I am still thankful for what I have, but please indulge me and allow me to ask a few questions on here in order to try to find out more about my Dads brain injury. I have infinite respect for anyone living with a brain injury and as both my parents have experienced this, it is a big part of my life. What kind of daughter would I be if I just buried my head in the sand?

jord38 profile image

I'm so sorry about your friend Neil. I'm sure everyone is thankful but when people are suffering, worried, upset and come on here for a little reassurance, what you have put comes across as a little harsh.

in reply to jord38

Thank you jord38 x

Jigsaw profile image

Everyone has problems, worries and pain at every level imaginable - we must try not to judge, we all need reassurance, hope and kindness


in reply to Jigsaw

Hi Linda, Thank you for your support, as always. I joined Headway to gain understanding and to listen to what others have to say, I am a little surprised that by doing so I have provoked such a reaction. Everyone has been great x

cat3 profile image

Lubilu is my daughter . I am the mother who scared her and her brother half to death when I collapsed with a SAH. All either of them cared about was my recovery and how I might be affected.

Six months later their father also suffered a SAH. Now,our main concern is his quality of life as his recovery is so much slower than mine and there is great concern that such a dynamic man will have great difficulty coping with an impaired physical ability. This is why my daughter is searching for any information from those of you who have survived a catastrophic haemorrhage such as her dads. I have read your words of support and would like to thank you for your kindness.

Best wishes to you all. x

Jigsaw profile image
Jigsaw in reply to cat3

Cat3, Your daughter sounds absolutely wonderful. I cannot imagine what you are all going through. My family were my strength and their love was what pulled me through. It was lovely to hear what your daughter said because that was a little of what my own children went thro when I was poorly and it gave me an insight of what it was like for them!

Take good care of yourself

Love & big hugs to you all, Linda xx

Lubilu01 profile image
Lubilu01 in reply to cat3

Thanks Mum xx

cat3 profile image

Thank you, Linda, for your kind comments.

Hope you are getting stronger each day.

Sincere best wishes to you and your family. With love, Eileen x

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