Just been on to the Helpline and I actually started crying. Haven't been able to cry since my last op over a year ago but actually did. Not for long though. Would love to be able to have a really good cry but at least its a start
A good cry: Just been on to the Helpline and I... - Headway
A good cry

noone should in any way be embarrassed about crying its one of the most underated emotions life one day at a time is the only way us survivors can cope i am 5 years on acceptance and struggle on in whatever way is best fior you not what you are told
No embarrassed really, just overjoyed. Have felt many a time in the last year that I wanted to cry but wasn't able to. Once I started today i took a while to stop and it felt good to let it all out. Been building up for a long time
supertwizzle ... congratulations. I did not cry for two years as i could not; unless in that situation you do not realise how important a good cry is. I am really pleased for you.
Cyber jaffa cakes and chocolates with hugs xx
Thanks pixie .. the only problem is now I can't stop
supertwizzle, i know that feeling it was like the floodgates burst for a while and i could not stop crying at the unfairness and injustice of the whole situation.
It got better after a few weeks but now I can cry at inappropriate times the same as I laugh inappropriately.
Hugs, stick with it and keep smiling even through the tears.
More jaffa cakes and chocolate
My husband has also been unable to cry last operation on head on dec and he thinks after that he may not be anle to stop!