sun is starting to restrict me already and when it’s hot I get house bound with heat intolerance, hope it’s easier this year 🤞🏻 this time of year is the only time I can appreciate the sun but in moderation
photophobia : sun is starting to restrict me already... - Headway

I know what you mean. I try to get out for a walk in the early morning, then have a rest/sleep during the hottest part of the day. Libraries are great as well for the air-conditioning and the quiet atmosphere.
Sorry to hear that Jpdee...
My overheating issue began in the first Summer after discharge from hospital. I had a spontaneous frontal lobe haemorrhage and, according to an endocrinology specialist, hyperhidrosis is common after damage to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.
He was confident that the only reliable treatment would be HRT. I knew this to be a a highly effective treatment against menopausal hot flushes, but he wouldn't risk prescribing them again owing to my history of HRT followed by breast cancer.
I love Springtime and look forward to longer, lighter days but, like you, I dread hot weather and the discomfort it causes (sad for someone who'd always been a sun lover).
That was 12 years ago, but I still haven't found an alternative remedy. So I to and froe between chores and an 16" pedestal fan throughout Summer days.
Staying well hydrated with tap water and wearing loose, cotton clothing help somewhat, although I still have people asking me "Aren't you cold dear" when shopping in the middle of winter in jeans & tee shirt. So it's an all year round issue for me . . . . but far worse in Summer.
Maybe ask for a referral to an endocrinologist if you haven't already ; yours might have more up to date science than mine ; I do hope so m'love . . . . .
Regards, Cat. x