The psychological and emotional impact of suffering a TIA I feel was an aspect of my care that was never addressed as my physical health was prioritised. self medication in the form of abusive alcohol intake was my method of dealing with pain, along with the tried and tested methods of pushing feelings down and putting on a brave face.
How could i complain about my life changing in a way I couldn't understand. Having no memory of the accident that caused my TIA or true understanding that I'd changed, bumbling through life with no set direction except to try and make the best of whatever found myself going through.
Trauma and PTSD, I always considered to be reserved for those victims of war, criminal acts or such massive life changing events. Sure, when I looked further into it, I could recognise similarities between things I've experienced and a PTSD diagnosis, but surely it was all in my head?
Finally many years post injury, someone took what i said seriously and advised me to contact my GP in the first instance. Sometimes the injuries and disabilities are unable to be seen, but they surely are there.
Has anyone else investigated the trauma of TIA?