Government set to scrap PIP payments : Hi, there's... - Headway


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Government set to scrap PIP payments

19 Replies

Hi, there's loads of posts about PIP and how hard it is to claim etc.

Now the government is thinking of scrapping these payments altogether and have a grant scheme instead for home improvements.

Sounds like knee-jerk right-wing Tory politics to me. Polarize the population, throw the weak under the bus then kick them while they are down.

MP's don't seem to have a clue, if they want to cut benefits for people with disabilities maybe they should fund some realistic diagnostic and rehab options for them instead so they can reduce their disabilities and then they would no longer need benefits.

Der, are they really that thick. I suppose they are, that's what the Covid enquiry found didn't it "government ministers had very little grasp of reality when faced with the realities of life and scientific facts."

And the show goes on.

19 Replies
ftt1960 profile image

And how would a grant wash me in the shower?

in reply to ftt1960


salamander160 profile image
salamander160 in reply to

I think if they even try to do this, there will be such uproar, the politicians will really have mud on their faces, and they want our votes in an election, some hope! Hopefully, it is just scare mungering, there would be so many disability organisations against it, I haven't seen any campaigns yet though. I for one couldn't manage without my pip.

Plenty profile image

well they could save money and lay off the pip assessors for a start. They give out zero points when assessing claimants, who then appeal, and then get PIP!

Nafnaf87 profile image

Good morning pinkvision

Yeah right, frighten people who are already to scared to answer - that'll make them able to rejoin normal life!

Next they'll be touting the idea of trafficking us to a safe country in central Africa. Voted Conservative all my life until 2019, not even a huge clothes peg covered in scented cloth over my nose could cover up the stench of Johnson.

Best wishes


1949liz profile image

I cannot believe that the government is thinking of scrapping pip I use pip to help pay for someone to help me in the house in the garden shopping and much more. I voted conservative all of my life. I will never vote Conservative again never never they have ruined our country on national health, doctor nurses now to see your doctor you have to fill a form in. On Saturday evening, I fell hurting my bad leg Monday morning., I tried to make an appointment to see the doctor you have to fill a form in, can’t get through to the doctors so I filled this bloody form in, please excuse my language, nobody has telephoned me. soon there will not be surgeries soon we will not have receptionist soon. The doctors will be sat at home the nurses what happens to the nurses? Where are my doctors? I am so so much pain I am medicating myself. It is totally wrong and I’m so so upset I’m in pain, I understand it’s not the doctors fault that I’m in pain or I fell at least somebody even some robot should contact me. I am sorry I had a rage least I can do that without filling out a form. Sorry love Liz.

in reply to 1949liz

Yep, the whole system is collapsing around us. The dying throws of a chaotic government. Not sure it will be different with a different party at the helm, I live in Wales which is run by labour, the health system is worse than in England, but as far as PIP goes it's centralized under the UK parliament.

Faceless and dehumanizing with tick box decision making.

Liz, if you can't see your GP just do what everyone else does and just go to A&E, they may help you or they may send you back to your GP, you don't know until you try.

TreesMTBI profile image
TreesMTBI in reply to 1949liz

Aw Liz sorry to hear about your fall. Why not call 111? This is the exact thing it’s for - not quite a life or death emergency but it’s an acute problem that may need attention beyond prescribing medication. It is an excellent service, well I’ve always had good experiences. 111 can sort you out an appointment at a local minor injuries clinic and get you seen asap.

Look after yourself


Skulls profile image

Typically uncaring politician! I am not getting too upset by all this nonsense as Rishi and Co will be out of power before they can do anything.

1949liz profile image

I had a text this morning it’s state as follows dear Miss West, we received your form. You are on the list for injections and as soon as there are appointments available we will contact you Wem and Prees. Unbelievable.

Teazymaid profile image

how do we make this public knowledge ??? That is the nightmare of getting PIP , the total non understanding of head injuries and that includes the Drs , and the medical teams .. I have just seen an OT as I emailed her direct as I have no idea what I’m doing as far as rehab I’m just remembering my past jobs that included Head injuries and mental health and volunteering in a rugby club as a first aider with the physio … ( invaluable information that didn’t get lost ) plus Google … On seeing the OT just her words of you are doing the right things and possibly you are at a point of excepting that this maybe where you are and working towards living with the new brain and appose to trying to battle against an unknown that has taken over my life .. just the simple words from her as helped me to understand that I will never be who I was but that’s ok .. and the PIP crap we need to somehow get this heard ..liz go to A& E Please as this shouldn’t be happening Sue x

cat3 profile image

What I see from this government is Nazi mentality. Those who're too ill or disabled to work are starved of basic human rights whilst the fat cats & government cronies live their best lives.

I wish I were young and fit enough to stand up against the neglect & injustice of this government, like the the gutsy people marching against the Israeli genocide (and western leaders turning blind eyes).

Sorry for the rant, but I'm just so tired of struggling, and seeing others around me doing the same, whilst praying for healthcare and quality of life... x

Teazymaid profile image

I have just read the PIP info online and it looks like they are trying to re adjust how it is give and for what is actually needed .. this on the plus side might allow all of us unviable head injuries people a chance to get like my self some help with medical level massage each week to ease the muscle that contract / go into cramps ( this massage hurts as it is deep tissue massage) councillors to help deal with anger and aggression ,going to the gym to do my version of yoga where I hold on the the wall as balance is bad …. All of these thing s cost more then I was getting on pip and I am unable to work after 3ans half years doing everything I could do to work again .. so if they do look at who is getting PIP and if they really do need it . It might give those of us who are desperate for pip to be seen and heard … Something has to change just not sure how to get that message to the people who make these decisions ..Sue 🤔

MorrisDay profile image

I'm really angry about PIP / DWP before reading the news this week (these changes won't happen, the Tories will not be in power to take this paper further).

Not a single person told me about PIP payments when I needed it last year - unable to work for six months, SSP, then made redundant, and then another six months to find a job.

UC paid about 50% of my expenses and in a month and I quickly went from having about £15k saved to being in debt by about the same amount.

Pretty sure I would have been entitled to something last year but genuinely didn't even know about it to apply - I was discharged and left to my own devices.

I have applied now because I am struggling with fatigue and can't afford to pay someone to clean my house (I live alone) and after work and commute I am knackered. I imagine I will be rejected. That's before physio for my wooden legs which I also think I need but costs too much again.

philbou profile image

Benefits are not benefits. They should be renamed as essential living allowances

The worst kind of hate crimes committed against less abled people are in my experience committed by government organisations and quangos

Maybe they should be held more accountable by the very same hate laws that they have introduced to prevent this

Whats most concerning to me is the media scewing the public perception that less abled people are scroungers

When in fact its the total opposite

Its a typical tory divide and conquer concept

What is actually needed are the disabled charities getting together and posting some of our stories perhaps showing how people really live The daily struggle to get treatments and medicines imagine adverts showing people without meds People having epileptic fits people left unable to go to the toilet and sat in their own urine soaked clothes People being unable to move and having open bedsores

The real truth needs to be told

the dwp are complaining that the pip bill is projected to double But they are the ones who give out the monies Maybe they are predicting it to double because they want to spend it on more staff and nice new offices

I agree with cat the last person to persecute the disabled like this was a national socialist from austria with a little moustache and a great world war was fought over his policies

When did we as a society change to the im alright jack culture again

Everyone alive at some point will need so form of social safety net

Isn't it our duty as citizens to make it as easy and accessible to the very people who need it the most

And at some point we will all need it

After all we can afford to send billions to Ukraine to fight a war we spend so much money on killing people and so little on saving people

Remember the covid mantra If it saves just one life A lie in order to rob the public purse and the subsequent ppe scandals are the proof how much money was squirrelled away and into offshore accounts

The unrelenting lies perpetrated by the government and media needs to stop

No one is swinging the lead no one who's less abled is skiving and scrounging

Its just utter bullshit lies told to you by someone who was never elected

Margret thatcher had a stroke and her last years wasn't spent in a care home they were spent in the grand hotel in Brighton being waited on hand and foot she obviously didn't want to be left to fall under the same policies on care that she help create

We are judged as a society on how we treat our sick old and poor And as some point every one of us will fall into one of these category's let it be just one at a time not all three together because life will just not be worth living

Nafnaf87 profile image

Good morning all

It is so sad every time I see a post that makes me respond so many respond with pretty much the same feelings. As noted above often, the system is not fit for purpose. In the first place I have not got a clue what I'm doing and don't understand the rules .... which are not designed to be understood just like the books they expect us to fill in in the hope we will get help. As I've said before after 26 years I am still winging it more in hope than expectation.

Recently Dr Pam, my consultant pschycologist, called me 'I need to ask ....', yes I said without even waiting for the question. I have ended up with weekly input from a trainee til September for which I am enormously grateful but the truth is basically I'm training the trainee. I'm very happy with the situation and hopeful the lady will be in a position to give help to others in the future after qualification, help I didn't get.

Separately because under the rules that I don't understand they've removed Universal Credit (they'll probably come back for the PIP in a couple of years) because I have too much money. So now my only income is the PIP which I believe just went up to about £270/month, the rent just went up to nearly 500 quid a month! So under these rules I don't understand I now have to pay Council Tax and in the dead of night the Council sent out 2 bills on the e-mail, 1 for last year and 1 for this. Strangely (!) I don't understand them - they want the benefit they've already paid me back even though they haven't! So I ask my friend at CAB about this and she really doesn't want to know even though she lead me down the path. Taken me 3 weeks to make her understand the Council are trying to charge back benefit they have not yet paid for 2025 plus benefit (discount) for 3 months in 2024 when the claim was still valid.

I'll be brassic shortly - all good fun .... NOT 🤣🤣🤣

Best wishes


in reply to Nafnaf87

Hi Nafnaf I think you live near Liverpool, phone these people

Arrange an appointment and take all your paperwork with you to the appointment and they will help you sort it out.

This is their website

Nafnaf87 profile image
Nafnaf87 in reply to


in reply to Nafnaf87

just added their webpage to the comment

Not what you're looking for?

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