A short while back Headway posted an outline of a plan to modernize what they do over the next 5 years.
It seems one of the biggest issues people have is applying and appealing benefit claims.
Why don't Headway provide this service to help people going through this?
I don't mean giving advice where people can find help, I mean actually helping people fill in the forms and appealing decisions if applicable.
Headway also supported the campaign that led to the government bill for a 'strategy for ABI' part of that was to make the benefits system functional for people with ABI.
The assessment forms and assessments themselves only have psychological and physiological categories.
Where are the neurological categories.
The real problem people and the assessors (I asked them when I was being assessed) have is that most neurological and sensory processing issues do not fit into psychological and physiological boxes.
The ABI strategy was announced in 2021, but nothing has changed.
What's going on, why are people still being tortured by this process, something should have changed by now and maybe Headway should start finding out what's going on.
Use your voice; do something about it by shouting at politicians and if you want to modernize offer real practical help rather than advice.