Anyone else had their entire family turn on them, my dad who is 63, hes got a wife of 45, together got 3 kids, twins 19 1st week in December, and a 12year old, on my 40th birthday I handed my dad a cheque for 20k, he made me feel soooooooo sorry for him, saying "a hope I'm not still working my nuts off when I'm 70, being nice, asking for updates all the time, calling me his number 1 son, then with the kids nearly 19, no reason his wife can't work, and with my dad not being in good health having COPD I said why can't his wife an the twins work? All of a sudden I'm public enemy number 1, entire family disowned me, hate me, feel like they've played me for a massive amount of money, now don't wanna know cos iv a brain injury, life is really hard, iv 1 or 2 really good friends and an amazing gf, what do people think?
Family: Anyone else had their entire family turn on... - Headway

hi my TBI Bro
Nastiness Cruelty and JEALOUSY you definitely don’t need in your life .
I have 3 real friends in my life and one of them, my best friend is my dear beloved wife
So Snap, be thankful for your blessings
Best Regards
Sounds similar, cared for mum who developed dementia. Was my sole carer. 3 siblings only bro &me cared for mum despite older bro living next door to her. Sis ran a care home for brain injury clients before her care home!! They only came to see her the night she died, me & David sat with her in hospital for a month before she passed. I had to get a cab to see her spent all my benefits to do so. At least we can choose friends?!! Take care
Good morning Phil
This is going to sound cruel but I'm not sorry - so what, you have a life, please live it.
My story is similar, not exactly the same, they never are. Just as there are no 2 head injuries exactly the same, there are no 2 families exactly the same but where it happens the cruelty and complete lack of compassion is stunning.
My psychologist lady at the Brain Injury Service tells me to put these things in a ball and leave them bobbing about on the ocean where they can do no harm. I have always followed this advice, even in the years before Pam gave it. What she fails to understand is even though these things are away they can still do harm and from time-to-time they will overwhelm, try as I might to ignore.
There are kind and thoughtful people out there, mostly people you will never actually know like others on Health Unlocked who always do their best to help and support.
Best wishes
Your family unfortunately are like so many others 😢 my recent days have been simply to yours but haven’t had the fall out yet as I was told to leave them alone .. still family but mine are from younger generation telling me how difficult life is and I stupidly said about ideas to try and possibly help or to work at .. I know I’ve not said anything wrong ( which I can do since TBI) as my husband was with me and could here the whole conversation .. I’ve help financially as well ( happily helped) it really doesn’t matter what crap your have to deal with yourself others are just wrapped up in their own lives and we fill in the gaps where needed.. this isn’t you undoubtedly they has issues and I’m guessing you said them out loud .. it hurts like crazy but we all can only leave them alone until they change there minds and want to be family again .. you can always leave it quiet for a time then try to open the door again as they may never make the first move .. sue x
There is dysfunction toxicity elements of narcissism in my familyTh of origin. Not many members left now. In hindsight my parents had no clue after my craniotomy want to expect with me. Nor did they learn or care. In their minds they had their predetermined ideas for how and what I was going to be. I have recovered but a life changing event caused the daughter they thought they knew to disappear. This was a blessing in hindsight. A hard lesson I learned is how many manipulative people are out there who seem to target vulnerable people. Including family. I am sorry this happened to you. I would think that money could have helped you. No one especially people with brain injuries need these types of people in our lives.
I had extensive therapy and psycho education on red flags personality traits that indicate an unsafe person boundary setting saying no. No codependecy- stay in my own yard so to speak. I am stilling continually learning about trauma and boundaries.
I'm constantly getting abuse and slander off my family, no going back with my family