Do any other brain injury survivors struggle with high body temperatures? I'm constantly red hot and sweaty, a live beside a fan and always got air con on cold in car
Body temperature : Do any other brain injury... - Headway
Body temperature

hi Phil hope you’re coping okay yes yes Ive been on meds for it since I was at TRU in Wigan and I’ve been fine 👍🏽
What meds u on? It helped? tried googling it, says symptoms of diabetes, questioning whether make a doctors appointment, always got air con on, rather freeze than be hot and sweaty all the time, dya reckon I shud see my gp? I feel stupid, oh u used go TRU? so did I between 2008 and 2012
I remember you my friend I’m the black guy who used to work in the kitchen at MH with Alan and Nik I went from LH to Ashton Cross then Community from 2009 to 2012 👍🏽 the tablets are amlodipine 10mg which DR Ashworth prescribed
Best Regards
Andy Chin
Bin that long since tru, cudnt tell if u worked there or was a patient, think I'm defo gonna look into it now, many thanks, phil
I’ve added you on fb 👍🏽 Godbless
I use to sweat like crazy until I started taking them tablets
Do you still keep intouch with Donny if you do give him a hug from me
Yep big time. Once I start sweating that's it for a couple of hours, even my body feels cold.
I've been told I've no temp control. I've also been diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Although this was way after my bi and temp issues.
I love the sun due to easing my aches and pains but cannot lay directly in the sun due to always feeling hot.
Not on meds for it, not sure I want any more meds. I've now learnt to live with it, using loads of deodorants and cold showers.
Hope you find a way to deal with it.
Hi Phil. Overheating has been the bane of my life since a brain haemorrhage (Xmas 2012).
I phoned my GP this afternoon to check if I could try the Amlodipine as mentioned by your friend Sifu but, like Paxo, I'm on so many medications already, plus Beta blockers, and it would apparently be too risky to change over.
I'm too hot, even in mid Winter. When shopping I go out in a coat just to appear 'normal' but invariably have to remove it and walk around in a sleeveless T shirt. I've lost count of how many folk have stopped me to ask "Aren't you freezing ?"......
The endocrinologist I saw a year on from the brain injury said HRT could help massively but cautioned against it knowing I'd a history of breast cancer. So I've been stuck with endless showering and a houseful of large fans for the past decade ! Your final comment "Getting on my nerves" is putting it really mildly ! 🥴
You have my sympathy Phil ------big time ! Cat x
hi Cat reading all these posts about a possible link to type 2 diabetes is a shocker. Nobody medical has mentioned it to me. Although I do not pee often 🤐 TMI!
ive got a good routine of using my fan now and if i am going out i sit infront of it until i freeze (next to nothing clothing for it to hit all spots). It can take an hour! Then when i start moving about and/or go out i have a head start as the heat doesnt hit me straight away. like you i have no need for coats, even in winter.
I bought a neck fan. I think it was recommended om here. Have you see one? you could wear it when gardening! very effective! can wear it when doing things but i tend to forget to. when my hair feels damp at nape of neck it is very good for cooling down. I sometimes find it a bit noisy as the fan is close to ears then other times i do not notice the noise.
I feel sorry for my skin. I am often hot on the inside and my skin feels cool to touch. When I do my long fan sessions to cool down, often my skin feels like it is burning with the fan blasted cold air on it. Not burning hot, more like wind friction. Is that even a thing??? Hopefully you know what i mean.
I concur catrabb1t ! Often in the night I wake up hot but skin feels cold to the touch from the fan beside the bed. Same when out shopping (after I've thrown off my coat) ; my face & arms are icy cold. People have stopped me to say "You'll get pneumonia girl !" (embarrassing once but don't care anymore).
Is having a cold exterior harmful ? I doubt it, unless it causes shivering ??🤔 But yes, I get how the continual cold air from a fan can feel like a burning sensation. I have a personal folding fan, about 12cm in diameter with a14cm handle, which saves me from leaving hosp. or other appts in a panic ! It's quiet and very effective. But I hadn't heard of a neck fan before. I'll Google it.
I've have regular 6 monthly health reviews for many years, always requiring blood tests of which is for Diabetes and always negative. So get checked if you're concerned but don't worry too much ; overheating is a common after-effect of brain injury.
It's horrid isn't it, and from replies here, there are quite a few of us in it together.....
Good luck in keeping cool m'love, Cat x
Thanks, gonna av get air conditioning fitted in my house at this rate, an yeah I'm on meds, anti depressants, iv bin to some dark places, don't wanna go back there so I dare'nt go back there so kinda need em, I'm on 2 different kinda tablets for epilepsy, antihistamines, always taking co-codamol, paracetamol ibuprofen etc but I wudnt mind trying amlodipine, anything to not feel like I'm on fire and constantly sweating, such as life eh, I spend my days wishing my life away, ah well 🫡 bye for now
The opposite here, mate. I am in conflict with wifey (again) because she throws all the doors and windows open whilst I shiver. Some nights I cannot get warm even under a duvet. She also refuses to accept I might have problems regulating body temperature due to my ABI.
Body temperature regulation issues are quite common with BI. It can be taking a long time to know if you are hot or cold, or getting hot or cold and not knowing til later, or taking longer to adjust to changing outside temperatures - that is your body things it is cold because it was yesterday and today it is 30 degrees, but you still feel cold.
It comes in all sorts - sound like some here are stuck with the temperature up.
I used to feel cold all the time and now I never do - so I guess I also am running hotter than before - in my case, not a bad thing. If I do get cold, I can't tell till a few hours later. Ditto with being too hot. I have to really pay attention and not assume auto regulation.
I also struggle with body temperature since my bleed within the brain. I’m either really hot or really cold.
Really useful reading these posts - I think that I am 'running hot' for me right now, because my 'normal' before the TBI was being cold most of the time. Now I don't get cold so easily.
On top of which there is now an added joy - waking up really hot and sweaty. Started a couple of weeks ago. Sweating into the neckline of my pyjama top, and then washing it 'ready for tonight' is a real drag. Then washing myself, powdering, settling down into some sense of balance in the body, and off we go into the day.
But it is taking up a big chunk of time. Was beginning to get fed up - but now see that this is truly mild compared to what some others have to do.
Particularly useful is knowing that this feeling of having lost your thermostat is not just me.
Plough on. What else can we do?
Hi Writeronstack - try linen sheets - the flax ones - you can get some on ebay from Lithuania that aren't too pricey. And, maybe something in cotton lawn to wear. I have a time overheating over night, and those things help - I also have one of those fancy silk pillowcases and I have to say - worth every penny...
its a relief to know its not just me!! I always joke about it by saying that when I had my subarachnoid haemorrhage clipped they flicked a switch in my brain which turned my temperature to hot. I work in a care home for the elderly, if I try to open a window or door for fresh air someone always comments‘it’s freezing in here’. I should be used to it now but it has been 11 years in the same job. The residents know when I take them out that it is pouring with rain or snowing. My SAH was 29 years ago yesterday.
I also have body temprature issues, I get unusually cold, but it has improved over the years.
Same as lots on here, I was always cold and wore layers of clothing until I had my TBI nearly 5 years ago. I now don't feel the cold and am dressing in the thinnest of cotton clothes I can find. I haven't worn my jumpers since my fall. I break out in sweats often throughout the day and night, always total body sweat (apologies if too much info) sometimes I feel as if I am going to suffocate and need to get to a doorway to feel air blowing on me.
Yes I have the same. I just presumed it was something to do with the Titanium plate I had fitted. Have been sweating in the hot heat
yes I’m very unsure of what temperature my body will decide to be all day either freezing or extremely hot
yes I also sweat a lot although I feel cold to the touch. Dr said probably due to brain tumour, consultant said never heard of it 🤷♀️
if i over-do thinking and concentrating by focusing on something for too long, i also get a hot head under all my hair. I feel like my brain is too hot in there!!! i suffer body heat too.