I been feeling like my eyes become blurry,like double vision.,then my body wont move .Like im far away but there in another's body,as cant move .When I try it don't work,then I get to were I cant try im fighting like a strong force I know when it overcomes me, given in I collapse ,does anyone know what this can be scaring me living alone too
eyes blurry,an no control of body: I been feeling... - Headway
eyes blurry,an no control of body

You need to see a doctor immediately. If you can't get an appointment go to A & E. It could be absolutely nothing but as you live alone you really need to get checked over.
Good luck.

thanks been happening for days I have had bleeds to my brain too an injuries,just seems to pass,then I tremble,i ts nothing to do with epilepsy as gp;now decided there goner see damage done when assaulted,at last,only took 4 years I get life sentence he's out isn't life stupid
I seem to remember in your first post that you mentioned epilepsy. Could be related to that but you do need to get yourself checked ASAP.
yes I did but as usual weekends our not your gp;so uno im chasing it up now with my own GP thanks
It could be one of many things and I think you need to tell your doctor about it asap. Meanwhile have you got someone who can come and stay with you?
no not unless money is involved you know sad but true