I didn't realise this could happen. ...... - Headway


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I didn't realise this could happen. ......

18 Replies

So after TBI I had a great recovery and after 5 months I went back to work on phased days back. Then 6 weeks later I go back full time. First week was ok and I seemed to enjoy it although some people were difficult to work with. The first 2 days of last week difficult a lot. Too difficult I ended up with a headaches for 3 days all day, hardly any appetite and I wanted to sleep about 11 hours every night from 6 or 7 pm until 7/8 pm in the morning. It turns out that stress and also heat from outside can make my sodium level drop dangerously to the point it nearly got so low I could have had a seizure which is not epilepsy related and end up in a coma. I did not know this would happen being so stressed out. My brain could not cope with the stress so used what I had in my system to nearly end me.... I ended up at the hospital for blood tests and them wanting to keep me in to monitor me. I managed to get my level back up as I stayed off work for 3 days and got rid of my headaches and got my appetite back. I had eaten properly in 3 days and felt so much better. Doctor told me that full time was a good choice but it was too early and my partner had also said that before. I didn't want to believe him but I wish I had listened properly to my partner. Now I have been told to go back 4 days. 2 days in, one off and then back 2. And I'm doing it. I was sent back from heavens door twice before with having my accident there is no way I will get another visit at heavens door because of stress. Its me first that counts, not everyone else like I think. Am I selfish before I would have said yes, now definitely not. Its my health that counts not anyone else there. 😌

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18 Replies
cat3 profile image

Most none-neuro doctors have limited understanding of the effects of brain injury. Symptoms prior to a spontaneous brain haemorrhage, which my surgeon later claimed should've been red flags to my GP, had been dismissed as irrelevant.

It's disgraceful, but not surprising, that yours classed you fit for full-time work so soon after such serious injuries.

It's good to know you're taking charge now m'love ! We can still be productive within our new limitations. Take care, Cat x

in reply to cat3

Thank you. I didn't even think stress or the heat would get that way to me. Glad I understand now why I do come first before others and so what if they don't like it. It's not going to effect them in the exact same way. Maybe that's wrong of me, but I have been through a hell much more than 2 people have who are 19 and 21, and don't care about anyone else regardless of who they are. Hope you are well too x

Notts22 profile image
Notts22 in reply to cat3

Hi cat3 Just interested in what you said

What are the symptoms of brain hemorrhage?

I had a serious brain hemorrhage but don't remember anything which would make me think something serious is about to happen 🤔

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Notts22

Hi Pat. I don't know how others would describe the moments before the actual bleed, but I was in bed reading and felt myself passing out. I managed to shout out, but collapsed by the bed and recall nothing 'til weeks later.

A month earlier my food had suddenly begun tasting nasty ; even favourite foods tasted rancid. And the fresh smelling perfume I'd always used smelled so horrible I had to wash it off, despite others saying it smelled lovely.

Soon, everything around became hideous and I consulted my GP. She gave me nasal drops !

Much later I found my three fellow patients on our 4 bed ward had all suffered those same symptoms. Olfactory issues are apparently a common ABI precursor and my consultant was amazed at how my GP (head of a 15 team practice) had failed to recognise the symptoms. I changed my GP ! 😵

I hope you're finding your way m'love. Sept 2021 is still fairly recent in brain injury terms.... Cat x

Notts22 profile image
Notts22 in reply to cat3

Thank you so much. I was in hospital at the timeI went to have endoscopy as they where doing checks why I was very anemic. During the procedure I went unconscious.

I had CT scan which showed a serious brain hemorrhage.

I find it difficult to do jobs round the house I get so tired. My husband is very good taking charge of doing all the jobs without any moans

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Notts22

Your husband will just be thankful you came through alive.

I realised after a few months what a dreadful shock and scary time it'd been for my son & daughter ; they were both at work when they got news of my collapse during the night. I'd had my pal staying, otherwise I would've been alone.

Take all the help you can get for now. And test your limits gradually to see how much you can achieve without a meltdown ; it does get easier as you learn what works for you and as those around you adapt to your new regime.

Take care Pat, and keep in touch. It's helped me so much talking here..... xx

ftt1960 profile image
ftt1960 in reply to cat3

GPs haven’t got a clue about brain injury. They know a little about lots of things. I was suffering constant headaches about a year after my brain injury, I also had balance and urinary continence issues. I was given a brain scan which I was told was satisfactory. When I asked what that mean I was told I needed no further treatment. Thescan was looked at in usolation and not compared witha previous one. If ithad been hydrocephalus would have been obvious.. My symptoms all pointed to this too. I have since had a shunt and am feeling much better.

It’s early days and baby steps. I am retired, so don’t have to think about returning to work but I would like to be able to do more housework without feeling like a burst ball. Who am I kidding? I meant gardening, I hate housework.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to ftt1960

Ha ha .....all I can say about your last remark is 'Me Too'. I just finished cleaning and hated every second of it ! But gardening is my passion. (changing subject for a mo., I've waited since May 2022 for a knee op. so gardening been badly affected 🙄).

Good to hear you were finally taken seriously ftt and life has improved since the shunt. Still hard going these days though trying to get help from any NHS dept. !

Take care... x

ftt1960 profile image
ftt1960 in reply to cat3

I garden sitting on the ground most of the time and hope nobody sees me trying to get back up 🤭

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to ftt1960

I've started keeping my mobile with me so I can phone my partner or neighbour to pull me up. Too many times I've ended up like an upturned turtle on my lawn ........sort of funny ......but not funny as you'll know ! 🤣🥺 x

Meneage profile image

Hi. I had my TBI Sep 2022 and started my return to work 6 weeks ago. I started at 6hrs per week and have so far got to 25hrs per week. I was told that getting back to full time working in anything under a year is a bonus! Be kind to yourself.

in reply to Meneage

I am putting myself first this time. No matter what people think of me at work, I count. So I'm taking myself to one day less but if I need another day less then I do and will take it. I just wish people at work would try and see its not just easy returning to work. Thank you. 😊

Teazymaid profile image

your most definitely not selfish 😊 .. you have done amazing well to be back at work so quick . I’m 2 and a half years past accident and now going part time . I work for myself so it’s only a few hours a week . I couldn’t have gone back after a few months so hold your head high to have achieved this .. as with stress being a big issue it has had a massive impact on me and others .. I’m definitely dealing with it better and In fact the new me seems emotionally different so yes I am far more selfish ( if that’s what you like to call it ) to the point I do put me first emotionally and physically as without this approach I wouldn’t be here as well as I am without Looking after me and working hard to get better .. so please look after you first as then you can be there for others when needed .. Sue x

in reply to Teazymaid

Thank you Sue. Sorry for late reply, just been trying to keep myself occupied without using my phone at times. Well done you for seeing yourself first too. It does surprise me at how different I am to the person before the accident. Do other people like the new me, probably not but there's nothing I can do to be the old me other than move on with my life in the whole way it evolves. Keep taking care of yourself and always here if you need a chat or someone to sound off too at any point x

Teazymaid profile image
Teazymaid in reply to

I’m way past do they like me or not … I know who was there for me ( not many ) and they accept me as I am .. I’m still me but emotionally not the same .. and Infact I am more selfish , I do say no and so on .. not sure if this is from the brain injury or just a coping mechanism to deal with a new life .. 😊 sue x

skydivesurvivor profile image

defiantly put u self FIRST!! Listen up u head u obviously have more working neurons than me!! It’s a slow recovery, 20+ years for me and still have so much unable to retrieve!! U have much to adapt to , take it SLOW?!! Learn to smile to u frustrations!! Good luck

AndrewT profile image

Dear Sshhh,

A few years ago now, long before The Pandemic, I had a Friend at my Headway (Essex), I will call Paul (not his real name). Paul insisted that he WAS 'Very Ready' to Return To Work- he has 'Spoken' to his Boss, sorted 'Everything' out...... I met him, in a Pub, some years later, it had ALL Gone Wrong....He Wished he had Listened...... I 'Knew' Didn't I? (to which I replied that 'NO' I didn't 'know' anything- but my Advice was guided by my Experience..)

Don't be a 'Paul', my friend, Speak to- and Listen To- those offering (genuine) Advice. Don't be Afraid, or embarrassed, to Ask For Advice Sshhh. I'm. quite sure, that with the Right Guidance, along with 'sheer guts and determination I'm sure that you will achieve your goal(s).

Good Luck


in reply to AndrewT

Thank you Andrew. It's just more difficult to listen to everyone sometimes about how I have done an amazing recovery, I'm such a fighter, I'm strong. Then I feel a failure when I don't listen ,as I get embarrassed in a way as I feel they are giving me more of a positive attitude then I really need, so then I feel a failure when this all happens. I'm tried of feeling i am being taken for granted in some areas but I try my best every day to be a better person. Good on you for supporting your friend at all times, good or bad for him. You are a good friend. 😊

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