Hi everyone, my husbands been in hospital the last 2 weeks, with a very bad chest infection. Scan revealed the PEG (jejunal) had lost the inner extension, so feed was entering wrong area, causing aspiration.. feed was stopped, more antibiotics and finally chest is clearing!....great.By Monday he will have had no food for a week, just fluids IV.
Plan is endoscopy and fix jejunal tube this coming Monday/Tuesday.
Doctor informed me this afternoon that the gastroenterologist could decline to do this as 'too risky' . I understood it wasn't possible this week because of the chest infection.But this is a shock.
I asked what would happen, in that case and he answered 'I would have no options left'.
I am panicking now because does this mean they would let him slowly die of starvation?
He is a well built chap, not frail, this sounds horrific.
If the chest infection had taken him, that would have been sad, but easier to accept and surely kinder for him than a very slow death.
My husband is totally paralysed (apart from eye movements) has a trach and PEG. He has awareness most of the time. Life like this must be so hard for him I do realise. Yet he keeps on fighting.
There was something else on the scan, needs investigating they said, could be minor or more serious, can they use that as an excuse not to fix the feeding tube?
I just want to do what's best and kindest for my husband.
Maybe it will all be fine, these doctors do like to tell you 'worst case scenario' don't they!
Headway unavailable as it's weekend, I will phone Monday.