hypoxic, advice please completely overwhelmed. - Headway


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hypoxic, advice please completely overwhelmed.

Alwayshopefullove profile image

to cut story short I have been reading and reading so much on here and need to ask for advice or suggestions.

my father went in for a optional procedure to relieve nerve pressure in arm - spinal surgery. During this an accident occurred and an artery nicked where he bleed out and needed massive blood transfusions and packing of the artery. Woke up two days later and despite being in pain was moved to ward and assessed by dr etc. Nurse got him up to bathroom, he collapsed saying he couldn’t breathe, required cpr and trachy on ward floor before being rushed to theatre where stents were placed on artery.

Ct and mri not showing good news. They reduced his sedation meds and he is now breathing in his own (via trachy). Responds to pain but not able to move legs or one said of his body. Very very minor movement of one arm. Dr said bleed to brain was on left side. Is able to poke tongue out on command. Strong ‘cough’ reflex. Trying to open eyes on command.

Drs have warned the worst, finding it hard to accept this. Family from all over supporting. Mum beside herself. Dad is a very strong and fit man with minor prior medical issues - high BP but controlled with meds.

Has anyone else been in similar situation.. I’m desperate.

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Alwayshopefullove profile image
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10 Replies
cat3 profile image

I don't have experience of your father's issues m'love, but I just wanted to say how so sorry I am to hear of this awful mishap. Can you tell us when he had the surgery ?

We sometimes hear of loved ones surviving, despite poor prognosis, but a timeframe can help potential members with similar experiences to comment.

Sincerest wishes for some signs of improvement to come... Cat. x

Alwayshopefullove profile image
Alwayshopefullove in reply to cat3

Hi Cat, he had the emergency surgery 6 days ago. They had him sedated for 3 days then paralysed him for scans then sedated weaned. it’s now been 2 days since sedation, however he is now opening his eyes on command also.. but doesn’t appear to move his eyes.

Always hopeful for anything here!

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Alwayshopefullove

Wow that's really recent isn't it. Please do stay hopeful m'love.

Where there are complications the doctors won't make assumptions. But they're trained to keep the expectations of loved ones low in case the worst happens, so this isn't unusual.

It's a 'watch & wait' situation for both loved ones and medics as brain injury isn't predictable (like routine surgeries where the outcome is much the same for everyone). Our brains are unique to each one of us.

My son and daughter were desperate for positive updates but my consultant told them it would be obvious to them if/when I 'turned a corner' .......and it was.

Please stay in touch with updates, however slowly it takes for signs of progress. The wait can be weeks/months....... so do take care of yourselves meanwhile.

Sending love and hugs and all best wishes to you, your dad and your family. Cat x

thank you it’s nice to have an outlet on here because the medical staff are doing their job and I understand that, I’m a nurse myself.

Today he opened his eye and mouthed words to me which when I spoke back he nodded his head. I thought I imagined it but the nurse told me she saw it too and then e was listening to me and appears to understand. It does tire him out though so it’s very brief periods.

Can I ask what happened to you? Or have you detailed it somewhere? I would love to surround myself with positive stores and hope.

cat3 profile image

That's really encouraging news Hope ........(my shortened version for you). Fingers tightly crossed for your dad's continuing progress. 🤞🤞🤞

Details of my brain injury (Subarachnoid haemorrhage in 2012) are on my profile page (just click on profile photo).

It's always a pleasure to meet someone from the nursing profession BTW !

See you soon m'love, and thinking of you & yours... x

Alibongo60 profile image

Hi Alwayshopefulllove, you’ve got the right name and that’s what you have to practise, and being a nurse you know despite what the doctors say the patients can always prove them wrong, they will give relatives the worse case scenario, just in case, but always remember there is always hope. Your dad is making good signs by responding to you etc so give him time he is obviously very strong willed and a fighter, never give up hope. Lots of good wishes to you and your dad love Alice xx

it’s now been exactly two weeks since the ‘accident’ and dad has periods of being alert and then sleepy. He is able to open eyes but the neuro said he’s cortically blind. .. dad has been communicating with me even more, can squeeze his right hand and move that arm up and down on command.

He has had a couple of periods where they have deflated the trachy balloon and he is swallowing on command and by himself and they even gave him a chance to ‘speak’ and asked him to say hello to which he took a deep breath and said thank you instead! My dad is definitely in there.

I refuse to give up hope of further recovery. But I am not a neuro nurse.. has anyone else had similar responses from their family members? I would love to be able to read further promising stories OR if anyone can advise other things I can do to assist him I’d also love to hear them. I don’t want to leave anything to chance. Xxxx

Alb64 profile image

Sorry to hear about your dad.My husband has a hypoxic brain injury but he got his after having a cardiac arrest 6 years ago and not being found straight away.Its very early days but the doctors always give you the worse case scenario.My husband was in a coma for 3 weeks.He didn't react to any stimuli and we were told his chance of recovery was very low.He spent 6 months in hospital eventually returning home.Lots of problems but he walks and talks now.No memory of before but he is happy in himself.himself.Sending you and your family best wishes and keep believing in him.him.Hugs.

hi all, thought I would write an update to let you know dad is doing well and I’m very proud of him… but it’s still early days and lots he still is struggling with.

He’s had the Tracy tube removed, he can talk, hold conversations and remembers things from long long ago which is great. How short term memory is average - no concept of time/day/night but this won’t be helped by the fact he can’t see!!

His eyes are open but he says ‘it’s all dark’. Dr said ‘oh he’s blind now’ but I’m refusing to give up hope. Just yesterday he asked me ‘who turned on the light’ when the nurse came into his ICU room she did! But he only said he can see the difference between light and dark… no shapes etc. any advice here?

He’s paralysed down the left side of his body - this is likely from the stroke after the cpr/hypoxia injury… seems to be so much to deal with.

Any suggestions of how I can help him further recover to the best of his ability? He’s angry at his situation, frustrated and can get stroppy quickly which was never the case previously!

Alwayshopefullove profile image

I thought I would update more. We have now moved to a rehab hospital and they have been amazing. Dad is doing therapy to try and regain skills. Just this week they got him to take some baby steps - which he did but they are very clunky and clumsy. He is still unable to see much… I am praying and praying he gets more sight back as this is what is causing him so much confusion and fear - he ‘sees’ things that are not there. He has no idea when someone is in his room etc.

He is beyond frustrated at his lack of progress but I keep reminding him just 4 months ago we were told he’s never really wake up let alone stand up! His trachy was removed a few months back and he’s now back on full diet. So many good points but golly what we would do to get more sight back!

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