I don’t know how alone I am with this but I’m starting to realise how much the sun makes me suffer I decided to clean car this morning before it gets to about 10 ish and it took me an hour in the morning sun and now feel and have been physically sick this is not the first time I’ve been sick on summer days but I blamed everything else cause it’s what I wanted to believe. Today took me by surprise because I didn’t get that hot and it isn’t that hot yet anyway. This feels like another Hugh loss for me no sun at all ? I don’t think I want to live this life and I don’t know what to do?, I was and am well hydrated
summer : I don’t know how alone I am with this but I... - Headway

You've hit the nail on the head, I always noticed fatigue built up in the summer, increased light, increased UV etc does not mix with light sensitivity.
It is easily countered, nip down to specsavers (other opticians are available) and get a pair of glasses with prescription neutral grey transition lenses with an antiglare coating. Don't scrimp on the frames get the wraparounds, Oakleys are good (cool dude look) because they stop the light getting in from the sides.
I found they not only prevented fatigue in bright sun but I got an energy boost at other times.
Few hundred quid (or more depending on the frames) and Bob's your uncle.

better than sun glasses? And why do you think I’m feeling sick
They are sunglasses but the lenses change to deal with the amount of light. You may be feeling sick because that's the way your body reacts to too much light. Before I got my glasses my stomach would react to light and I would feel sick, I developed an hiatus hernia, my duodenum was corroded by acid and I would faint. When I began wearing the glasses the reaction stopped. But we are all different, it worked for me but may not for you, but maybe it will.

thanks for your insight this could be a game changer for me I’ve been worried about heat intolerance but I wasn’t that hot it worried me deeply today and reading your experience it maybe an answer I’m looking into it 🫶
Hi JpThe glasses are great idea.
For me the situation is complicated by my body not temperature regulating the way it used to - meaning if I get too hot (or cold) it doesn't register for some hours later.
So some of it may be down to your brain working extra hard to process the automatic systems that regulate body temperature.
I ended up getting air con because otherwise I just can't manage. From what I understand it isn't that uncommon for people with bias to basically hide in the summer, or turn into night people during those months.
Processing extreme contrast, like light and shadow, and moving shadows (wind blowing leaves) may also add to the processing load.
A thing people can do is get one if those water sprayer bottles, and just put plain water in it. If you spritz around your head and body it can lower the air temperature a bit. Other tricks to not overheat are having your hair wet, your tee shirt wet, and running cool water over your wrists.
For me, since you literally feel ill, I would want to really watch out for heat stroke, even though it might be a reaction to being overstimulated.
thanks for your input and advice, I was looking to see if you had knowledge about regulating body temperature problems because I do have troubles in the heat and I’m trying to pinpoint what is going on. I have a thermometer and I’ve been taking my core temperature and it is giving normal temperature readings. Is there away I can check myself for a regulator problem?
The best thing to do is talk to Headway and get a referral to someone, Jp. I just know because weird things kept happening. Like, it would be really cold out and I'd be out in Normal clothes and not think about it, then several hours later would start shivering even though I was in a warm place. And when I am too hot I start feeling sick and dizzy and often my brain is not not working well.They did do a test that showed my BP didn't adjust in the usual time between sitting and standing, but that's as far as it went. They can't do anything about it. You have to deal with it by paying attention.
You may also try exerting yourself slightly- don't do it in the hot weather - and see how long it takes to recover - or you may feel unwell right away. You may find you can't exert yourself for long, for example, and you take a longer time to readjust. Be really careful. It also means things like hit tubs aren't a great idea.
I mention this in case you can't find someone medical to see. And, realistically have found unless something is majorly broken they can't do anything anyway, and there are still quite a lot of old school trained ones who just thing it is all psychiatric. Eye roll.
If you can get into a good bi literate neuropsychiatrist that mind help you sort a few things out . They are a medical doc trained in brains and also mental health so they know the difference.
I also got a lot of info from doing programs at my local brain injury society where they do a lot if info sessions on coping strategies. This also helped me because there are a lot if things others deal with that I don't. Somehow that helps me feel less broken.
It's a long road to figuring the new you out.
had I had breakfast before u started? I go out for coffee 1st thing, come back to cereal. Have felt light headed of late and will eat before I go out, sun doesn’t affect me but my niece can’t take the sun either, she’s a teacher. Keep safe n stay out of the sun!! Look puny n pale like me n niece?!! smile to spite it!!
In addition to the glasses and others’ advice, I would also suggest wearing a hat with a peak, the wider/bigger peak the better - another defence to keep the glare out of your eyes but also to stop you head (and your brain) getting too hot, keeping the inflammation down as much as possible. You could also use a safari style hat but I think a peaked cap is better, especially if you can mold it around the sides to increase the shade on your face.
Also, take regular breaks out of the sun so you don’t overheat, as it’s the inflammation we need to control.
I feel your pain. I am a sun worshipper and live for summer - it’s what I was known for - but things have changed ...