omg all to much for me: well I just rang up pip to... - Headway


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omg all to much for me

irishrose48 profile image
12 Replies

well I just rang up pip to see how far scott claim was only to be told no claim for has been recived is this really happening first he sick note lost now his pip form lost .am sat here crying like a baby as this is all to much for me I really carnt go on with this ,I now have to wait for a phone call from pip to see what I need to do ,I know what they are going to say fill in another one ,oh my am so so upset now I carnt do this anymore :{

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irishrose48 profile image
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12 Replies
Steve49 profile image


I'm so so sorry for you.

Don't try not to worry, I know that is easier said than done.

Do you have family & friends that can help ???

Would it be worth contacting CAB for there help ???

Is there someone or some info on this site that might help you ??

I'm so sorry again as if I wasn't in hospital myself I would have offered my "help"



Tia-01 profile image

Hi Rose sorry to hear that and I know how you must feel trying to cope with all of this. Everything so new to you and everything going wrong. I've been there! If they come back saying you have to do again which I hope not then Do you have social work dept near you? You can call them get appointment . They where great with me they went through questions on form asked me for answers and they filled in form much better than I would have managed as they know trigger words to put in to score points required and they send it too. You should also get date from when original form sent Social Work will deal with that. Wish I was nearer I would come and see you but unfortunately I am in Scotland. As if you don't have enough to cope with. Xx

StrawberryCream profile image

Oh gosh I can understand your despair and distress that the form has been lost! One thing too much when you are already struggling so much to cope and manage. I always get completed forms photocopied just incase of such a situation so that i have a duplicate copy if any form go missing so I don't have to start again with a blank form. Also sending by signed for/or recorded delivery so you know if it got lost in the postal system or an arrival at the DWP.

if all else fails, contact your MP. (you'll find details of his office in your phone book). They are usually fantastic about cutting through all the red tape and getting things done.


randomphantoms profile image

I think both e haunted wife and myself have suggested before that you get your MP on the job as soon as possible and if you don't get any news go to the local press.

What is happening to you both is unacceptable.

Thinking of you both and sending big hugs


cat3 profile image

It's too often the case that WE have to suffer the consequences of the mistakes of so called 'professionals', and there never seems anywhere we can turn for redress.

Try phoning your local 'Welfare Rights' department on Monday morning (look in phone book or online) and explain what's happened. They might offer to visit you or simply intervene in contacting the DWP.

Personally, I'd be contacting my local MP or councillor as suggested by Jan and Random. It's time these people were made accountable for their sloppiness and I've had some excellent support in the past from mine. Look online for a contact number.

....................and we all thought you were set for a relaxed weekend ! Try not to get too upset, and look towards getting things moving again on Monday. Good luck m'dear ; you will get through this................just hope it's sooner rather than later. Love Cat xx

Dear Irishrose, its just Jules here

Oh dear, poor thing. I have been there, its a particular type of stress isn't it.

I have nothing but admiration for you - i met the man i eventually married and he now deals with most of the turmoil like that.

And it does cause turmoil doesn't it. Just about everyone on this site will have been or is going through exactly the same. Its so unfair on people who have enough on their plate.

I dont know about you but i find that Sods Law always hits. If its completley the worst time then thats when it chooses, even when you would think even the Law of Averages should kick in.

Just try to swear at the situation in your head and wait - i find soon things kust start to come right again. Those people are just people earning a living and i suppose they understand for a moment how you feel right now.

Chin up, Iif i had a magic wand I would send you easier times with a sprinkle of unexpected luck, but hopefully thats just round the corner for you anyway.

kindest regards



malalatete profile image

Hi Rose

Get down to the CAB and tell them what is happening. Get on to your local MP (think the new one's a bit of a waste of space in Skeg unfortunately - but you have to run with what you have got). Ring them again and tell them that you want an email or something from them saying they have lost your form so that you can go to DSS and get a crisis loan.

And I am sorry, but this is, as Cat says, how it goes all too often. It feels horrible at first when you are used to being able to plan and manage your finances...but sadly, you will get used to it!

MXman profile image

My prayers are with you Rose. Deep breath and try and be positive. I have no experience with whats happening to you regarding PIP but just holding out a hand of friendship. Nick Xx

peaches2 profile image

So sorry to hear this, poor you, it seems to be one thing then another. Overwhelming really but you will get out the other side; your determination and handwork will pay off in the end. Fingers are crossed for more positive days for you. xx

steve55 profile image

when did you send his pip form? it can take a while before it gets processed and before it gets processed they get all the necessary information from the different proffesionals involved in scotts everythings morethan likely not lost

eddstjohnoneday profile image

I no how you feel love ive had 17 years of stress with it now headway and my brain injury case manager does all social for me . thank god for them no you shouldn't have to go through that .

my heart cries for you I have no emotions I couldn't cry at mum and dads funerals people new I had brain damage . but I don't think a lot of people believed me . even thou I had all paperwork .

but what happens with me is I feel in my heart .and now have this site I feel .

safe that everyone is similar they want you to give up . but seek advice citizens his brain case management they will do your paperwork . hope ive maybe helped I think you suffer enough without all that social stress x

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