hey all.first got to give msg to my freind nanapal(you be so shocked i kept my big gob shut today!!!)you know me well,of course you right i am indeed "biding my time".was just after 11 am when i got there,office doors shut no one about.i knocked on seans door went in,he in bed.at first i thought he was bleeding,i could feel tears pricking,anger rising ,so i said sorry busyied myself removing books from the chair so i could sit down.on the table was a card and teddy bear for mothers day.i say are you bleeding,he makes shhs motion with finger(choc cup cake)he wouldnt say who gave him...two carers came into room when they realised a visitor was there,a really nice polish guy who sean likes(i suspect he may be cake smuggler)explained that there were meetings and the guy with him was training so unable to shower/dress etc.i sat for some time,not long in fairness,speaking with sean about his facebook posts,most of which are very bad and lets just say not complimentary towards staff/unit.as most of you know now,im a very direct person and will speak as i see.in almost a year i have never visited without seeing interveiws,such was case today.i honestly do not see how churning out staff/training could ever benefit such units when the people they expect to care have no intention of understanding the reasons why the person is there.therefore,i will encourage sean to exercise his right to speak out/complain,this he does mosts days,several times.frankly,also it quite suits my purpose as the management(on a number of "fag breaks")consider me to be a bit of a fool.i make a point of chatting to this and that,very surprising what info you can glean...also,very important point,today spoke with unit manager about this/that,she was on her way for cig.no mention about last weds situation.?so 1/she wasnt told2/its of no importance.maybe a visit from c.q.c may jog some memories?just saying.on lighter note,a pal of mine was asking me this morning have i been watching rise and fall on channel 4.im like no whats this,she says to me watch it,i thought of you...?
visit day...: hey all.first got to give msg to my... - Headway
visit day...

I've just watched 'Rise & Fall' on catch-up since you mention it D. It's something I'd normally avoid, but because of its unique format I ended up watching the whole hour of human nature at it's worst.
I guess the grotesqueness of some and their abusiveness to others is parodying real life ; a bit close for comfort at times though when folk's true colours are so distasteful. But I'm curious to see the nature of whoever rises to the top of the pile if I can keep the queasiness at bay !
Sorry the shortcomings are still evident at the care home m'love. We reported my pal's mum's care home to CQC with great success and big changes....
Look after yourself Lesley & love to you both. Xxx
hey lovely,thanks as always for your support.couldnt beleive i went to visit and said nothing,proud of myself.took a while for the penny to drop but now i get that its better to hold issues until they can be aired with the maximum impact!!i have some funny news to tell which i will share with the group,honestly my life is very strange...you are right this "rise and fall" is vile,however,compulsive viewing...i remember years ago when big brother was maybe in its 3rd year i told sean for a joke that i had applied and had got through to interview stage,even got the h/r girls at my company to do a mock letter of next stage acceptance.he was furious,in n/ireland at the time and he sat me down and pointed out the situation for his career my going on tv and ruining both of our lives...some of the reasons he gave for my not doing it were hilarious.im afraid i carried it on for longer than i should have and he got very concerned(i expect for himself).to this day i always tell him,"big mother is watching you"!!!he always shakes his head but acknowledges my genius for the best prank ever!!
Oh you are awful .......but we like you 😉 ! I know what you mean about taking thing too far D ; the more dire the response the more tempting it is to keep it going. We have some devilment within ! (you would've been a star in BB though m'love 🤭).
You've done really well keeping schtum on the carer issue ; what is it they say - revenge is a dish best served cold.... Xx
So worrying for you D - hugs. Love that he has a cake smuggler though!
Hi D, well that’s there first mistake to under estimate you, and like you said I think they would have to have brought the subject up if they knew about it, so the carer hasn’t informed them so she will be in double trouble. And like nana I don’t know how your keeping it under your hat, I’d be running round like a headless chicken, I think the fact Sean is able to communicate any issues with you helps, it’s not like someone completely trapped in their body, that would be more worrying but if she’s like that with Sean what is she like with the ones that can’t report her, take care my friend love Alice xx
hey alice,thanks for yr support i know you get it.this woman can keep,sean reports she is very careful now.i wont let it drop though,no point me kicking off and giving them chances to discredit me,done enough of that to know it doesnt work.so will bring it up at the right time when the correct people are there to hear what i have to say?this will be meeting as sean has been there now for almost a year.i of course will also bring an advocate(for sean)as his "capacity"is still questioned.im getting letters from m.o.d saying sean needs to renew his availability for t/a duties?really?...i hope you and yr lovely girl ok?please keep in touch love.
yes I bet she’s being very careful around Sean now, so she should be, but she will be thinking she’s got away with it I would like to be a fly on the wall that day when it eventually comes out. Nothing surprises me about the MOD, might be worth contacting his unit to contact the ta listings to save them mothering you , supposed to say mithering you stupid phone thinks it knows what I want to say lol . I am doing ok thank you, my beautiful girl has just returned to work been off sick since before Christmas with ptsd, I sometimes wish she never went in the army, but she loved it and despite the trauma says she would do it again but it has destroyed her, she did and saw things no one would want to see but they also saved a great deal more and many with traumatic brain injuries are alive today because of the work done in military hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it’s taken her career away. Anyway I’m waffling now you and our fellow squaddie take good care love Alice xx
Availability for duties ? What the hell D ! (more like WTF !!) 😵😲😩 x