Morning all, Im 15 months in from my ruptured aneurysm now, coping well most of the time,just a post to tell you what a day I had yesterday,
I’ve turned 50 and got appointment through for a mammogram, fine it was 2-35pm, my husband drove me, I said it says I will only be half an hour so u wait I’ll be fine, we arrived at 2-15pm
I asked a member of staff who was standing outside which way I needed to go
Thank you I said and off I went to find I was totally in the wrong part of the hospital, I stood looking at the boards trying to figure out which way, asked more staff who replies were sorry I’m not sure, I was getting more and more anxious, sweating my socks off, eventually I stopped at a desk to ask and the lady tried to tell me so off I went in the direction she told me, I could feel I was getting in a tizwaz feeling upset, I went back to the beginning outside and started again, nope still couldn’t find the unit I needed, now let me just say I’m far from being stupid, I can follow instructions and directions, but this was just ridiculous, I was now 15 minutes after my appointment time,
I ended up in a really upset state to a member of staff, where I ended up having to say about my aneurysm, and how now I can’t think straight or actually take in anything she was saying, a lovely porter overheard and said come on I’ll take you, honestly I was so upset, I would never reacted like this before my aneurysm, I know I’ll never be that person again that I was before,this incident proves that to me, Oh and to top everything off, when I got to appointment the lady was going home, switched machine off, she was absolutely lovely to me, switching it back on and dealing with me thank goodness,
I messaged my husband that I was ready and I just knew when I got in the car I would burst into tears which made my hubby feel terrible he didn’t come in, but I thought I would be fine, I actually sobbed my heart out I never want to feel like that again the feeling of not being in control, my head like I had thrown a monopoly board up and the pieces were floating everywhere, sweating it was absolutely awful, I think sometimes I forget the trauma I went through I need to be kinder to myself, that’s my Sunday morning rant over, x