Hello, this is my first post. My husband collapsed in January after not being able to speak for a couple of moments 10 minutes previously. He just keeled over backwards, fractured his skull and had bleeding and swelling on the brain. they did several scans, but could find no sign of stroke or aneurysm. In fact, the could not find any reason for what happened, and say they may never know. although glad it was not a stroke (my first thought) I am now constantly worried that it may happen again, and feel I will never relax. Why don't they know what caused it? Why can't they tell me if it might happen again? so frustrating. Thank you for reading.
No apparent reason for blackout.: Hello, this is my... - Headway
No apparent reason for blackout.

Could it have been very low blood sugar? This just happened to me, although i was seated and didnt fall. When i came round i knew instantly what I’d done, no breakfast and only 1 cup of tea, it was 2pm and very hot, i had felt faint beforehand.
Dear FlowerPower,
Let me first say how glad I am to infer that your husband did not suffer any lasting injuries from the fall.
Your anxiety is very understandable.Someone in my family had a different, but just as serious, episode the source of which was not ever determined. In the end they said it might have been a virus.
Such a diagnosis leaves one feeling helpless and vulnerable -- two things that are the biggest drivers of anxiety. A couple of suggestions for overcoming both of these:
1. You and your husband can take action that will be satisfying and may well protect him. Simply fill in the gaps between his current health habits and the ones you know are beneficial/protective: Moderate but regular exercise, stress reduction (music, massages, yoga, reduced work, etc. ) and eating fresh foods, especially vegetables and fruits and any foods that are indicated by a nutrition analysis lab test. He will feel better and stronger than before and that will soothe both of your worries. After all, if they did not find an acute cause of the black out, it could have been a fluke or it might have been triggered by something systemic -- exercise, stress and nutrition all restore and fortify the system.
2. Some continued thinking and research about potential causes may help you feel that you are not just waiting for what may or may not happen. But, a definitive answer will probably not emerge, so if that prospect will frustrate you, then skip this.
I would choose to see it as an anomaly that is now behind me and which was a valuable reminder to take care of myself.
All the best.
I assume they scanned his head etc to see no bleed Flower. If so all is okay might have been as others have said but it does scare you. Good luck to you both. Sorry cannot be of more help
Regards to you Both
Maybe ask your husband's GP for a referral to a separate physician for further investigations. Meanwhile the following link might be helpful :-
Good luck in finding the cause ; for me it was low blood pressure, now remedied by change of meds. Cat x
What type of MRI did he have?

sorry, I don't know. He had at least 2 MRIs and about 6 scans.
Many thanks to all who took the time to reply. He is not the same, and I feel guilty about saying this, because things could have been a lot worse I know. One or two other people low blood sugar too, and I remember asking him what he'd had for lunch that day (I'd been out) and he said just a couple of biscuits and a cup of tea. So that's not good. He'd done it before, but perhaps his bad habits are catching up on him. Can't get him to change his lifestyle much, he's not a good eater, and due to the fatigue which many brain injury survivors suffer from, he won't do much exercise either. Still, we are grateful for what we have. My only, lasting regret, is that I didn't make him stay sat down after the funny "turn", as all this could have been avoided, but that's something I'll have to live with. cat3, I will take a look at that link later. Again, thank you all, very much appreciated. x
Flower, he may have forgotten to eat which is simple enough but his fatigue level which is causing other problems ie. Lack of motivation to exercise which helps the brain is concerning, I agree. I want my dad to use a hyperbaric chamber. Lots of people stints wonderful for energy levels and fatigue is 1 of the worst symptoms of brain injury. I have seen places in london for about 60-100 per session. A few sessions is recommended and u sit for an hour in a chamber. U can read etc. I feel it could help. You should deffo research ur area for suitable places.
Thanks for your reply. He does suffer terribly from fatigue, and lack of motivation. I emailed Headway and they sent me lots of links, so I'll have a look at them. Would love him to try it, if there's even a chance it might help. Thanks again.
Flower, you must also encourage naps throughout the day. I went to a headway "fatigue session" they were saying that, often, brain injured people dont always realise they need a nap and that they should be scheduled at specific times of day. Also, google foods for brain healing. Have a look at Binaural Beats- sound healing through head phones to re connect the brain bu hearing different sounds in either ear. I have done SO much research on alternative healing methods.
Frankincense essential oil helps circulate oxygen through the blood/brain barrier thus oxygenating parts of the brain that's been damaged. I use a diffuser and buy from holland and barrett. High quality fish oils are something I've looked into and I give my dad 1 through his PEG feed. Its VERY expensive but apparently really good quality. There are ALOT of very low grade rancid alternatives that can have the opposite effect we want. I hope you find some suitable therapies. Also, massage can get everything flowing well in the body. Acupuncture?
I am yet to try this as my dad is in a pretty poor state but I'm very eager to try. Good luck. X
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply again. I will certainly try some of these. He does nap in the day sometimes, but not regularly, it depends on what he has done, and how he is feeling. We have a follow appointment next week, so I will put all my questions to the consultant. Thanks again, and I wish your dad all the very best. xx
Thank you very much. I hope the consultation goes well for you. Good luck. X