hi all,just had call from social services to say that not viable to get home assessment.well im not leaving and sean wants to be able to come home to visit now and again.council are very supportive and willing to help and care unit say there is no reason why this couldnt happen.so the problem is clearly s/service priority funding rules/regs set down 50 or more years ago.obvs these people dont know me and im flying without wings but im gunna have a go.in homage decided to decorate living room accordingly,got glitter ball,spanish lady picture,the circle artex is already there.i found online one of them pineapple ice cube things,even wallpaper,boogie wonderland...
back to 70s..: hi all,just had call from social... - Headway
back to 70s..

Do Social services explain why a home assessment isn't viable D ..... and have you voiced your concern to a senior official ?
If both council and care unit are agreed it's workable, then it looks like cost or staffing issues are behind the refusal.
But if anyone can stand their ground for a good result it's you m'love ; I really hope you'll be successful in getting Sean home for Christmas ! (Your boogie wonderland theme sounds amazing).
Keep us updated ..
Loads of love, Xx
I wonder why it's 'not viable' could you get some sort of explanation by getting your local councillor involved - sometimes political problems need political solutions. Good to hear you're hanging on to your good humour even so ..
I'm not sure about your partner's particular case, but I will share my situation with you. I had a brain hemorrhage 2.5 years ago (I found out later that this was due to a ruptured AVM) I underwent several neuro surgeries and now have a shunt to regulate the pressure on my brain. I have been told that this should be thought of as a TBI. I was on keppra and my GP prescribed sertraline both of which I have since stopped. I suffer the same as your partner but now find out that this happens twice a day EVERY day and I can do nothing about it apart from take myself away from everyone. My wife thinks I am being funny towards her and this is difficult, my doctor keeps telling me I should go back on sertraline, but whenever I try I get severe side effects so will not persist with this. I sympathise with you and your partner, I have no answers that help (neither do the medical profession in my experience)
You are amazing Mrs.. I am in awe of you xx
And.. I agree.. Councillors and MPs are your best ammunition... I hate to admit it, but I was a social work manager... and honestly, the power of the word on the right note paper goes a very very long way!! X
Hi D, I’m puzzled if the SS, can’t come out and do a home assessment does that not mean Sean can decide his own, home visits I am puzzled why they have to do a home check . I would be speaking to your local mp and anyone else who can help, with Sean’s permission maybe even the papers who like to hear stories of soldiers who have served queen and country and being left without being home for Christmas, I know you will not be giving up lots of luck and love Alice xx