Now when you have to send forms into pip.they send you a freepost envelope.if you ask to send by registerd get told no as thy have coverd postage.suprise suprise after weeks they say they havnt recieved it.and say if you dont send it in by a certain date you wont get it.i recived a letter today saying send the form in by nxt wenesday .but no new form with it .im ring mon to try n sort it out.
Letters to pip: Now when you have to send forms into... - Headway
Letters to pip

I always send mine recorded never been an issue

No need now apparently. You're Dr has been given more authority - have a look at my last post ;o)
It’s incredible that in this day that a government department is run like this
I too have a sick note to return
Letter came Saturday has to be back by Friday when sick note runs out
So now have to get sick note from doctors Monday post it before Friday and then ring up next week and make sure they received the medical evidence
The dwp wants reform from the top to bottom
A sadly indicative picture of how government departments are run
It shameful in modern Britain
Annoyingly the PIP people will send you that letter automatically even if they have received it. I found this out by calling them and speaking to an advisor (use the option for existing claim), I called as soon as I got the letter saying they didn't have it and they registered my call on their system saying I had posted it then I called again on the original due date... And Surprise surprise, they had received it.
My advice would be call them and don't worry too much yet. Im still waiting for an interview date to be confirmed... The next stage on from yours If I recall correctly they have 3months to do this in now, I think??
Hope this helps, keep chilled.

No need now apparently. You're Dr has been given more authority - have a look at my last post ;o)
Hi Stacey,
Thanks for the reply. I hope your well? your previous post was interesting, but not quite on the topic I was commenting on. The letter we are referring to is the automatic generated letter sent by the DWP to new claimants 2weeks into the claims process, this letter is sent to the claimant detailing that their completed "how your disability effects you" form has not been recieved and offers an extended time period for completion. This letter is sent even if your form has been returned and logged as received by the DWP.
I hope this helps,

Sorry Ric, basically all I was trying to say was that U no longer needed t go through that route anymore, because your doctor has authority to issue these
Sent they awful I’m getting a home visit I’ve complained as it’s nearly a year for me I used to get it then thy took away 2017
I re applied in 2018 it’s a shambles system isn’t it and unfair especially for hidden disabilities
The DWP don't receive any of your PIP (or any other) correspondence directly. All the bulk government mail is handled by specific Royal Mail handling services.
Royal Mail open the mail, record it and sort it into bundles for the relevant DWP departments.
So spending extra money on Recorded delivery, whilst it may give you some comfort is actually a waste of time as the DWP will never ever get to sign for it.
Hi there
I did PIP for my husband and he got message saying the same but when I called they confirmed they had it.
I think they just send this message out to everyone who’s applied??
I got a proof of postage when I sent it in prepaid envelope.
Citizens advice also photocopied pip form for me which is a good back up too.
Hope you get it sorted Monday and they confirm they have it.. as if it’s not stressful enough ☹️
Good luck 🤞
Hiya, Zoe I assume ???
Did U not see my post, there's been a bit of a shake up & now your doctor can give the go ahead & U don't have t go through all that stress related pip rigmarole (as far as I know anyway ;o)
Good luck Xxx