so,got up this morning(well sort of rolled out of bed!)with a plan.had my several coffees,took mr socks out,game on...plan "A",utube instructions for fixing mower cable.very informative i could do that.however,the part i needed not available in the small village where i live.some would say at this point,and some did,why not go and get what you need from town?what you all need to understand peeps is i am a cowboy,think like one,already wearing me poncho/stetson,nothing can stop me..
plan"B";i could try and "fix"the broken wires?hour later and nice cut on thumb(stanley knife)insulation tape wot not,we ready to plug!!!off we go,yee haa!!for about 5 sq metres....
plan "C";last chance saloon..i been good,i been bad,time to get ugly.took a plug off a toaster and chopped the offending wires,of course it works.not safe not clever,i know,but i won the "shoot out".on plus side,my neighbours think watching me is better than daytime tv someone gave me a bag of liquirice allsorts win win.
we moving on with the other issues i think..sean will be going to new unit maybe sometime at weekend,got a stay of execution(week) from universal credit whoop!i may be a cowboy but not daft,i have everything written down..and, lets face it,i am the quickest draw since wyatt earp...t.b.c...