PIP AGAIN and advice: Hi guys been a while since... - Headway


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PIP AGAIN and advice

lew-ann profile image
21 Replies

Hi guys been a while since anything really need some advice

Some will know I applied for pip many years ago. I think 2015/16 don’t ask me my memory doesn’t even cover what I did yesterday any way got awarded 0 points on everything last time miraculously recovered apparently nothing wrong

After so many years I plucked up the courage and strength for the all healing DWP pip interrogation I applied in March I had to do this with the next generation text service still cannot use the phone after 10 years anyway I got my date for my pip assessment which again was in the same place 2.3 mile down the road made several dummy trips accompanied so I would be able to find the place with the sat nav as I had no support with me on the day

I had to sit in the sweat box integration room sorry I think they called it a waiting room that’s what there going for I could believe it the same women that done my assessment was there lucky for me she called another poor women (I felt like telling her she got the assessor that heals all and can only count too 0, then a chap came in and told me politely ‘he was running late and he was so sorry’ ok that got my heart rate from 140 down to 120 I got called 40 min later, I was there for 2 hours we chatted about everything this put me at ease, I did take my paper work with me but struggle to find what I needed (Brain not playing nice), he was asking question toward the end, my brain had shut down and took my speech with it and my joints where so stiff I could hardly move

Any way been waiting weeks for that brown envelope to arrive so I could get on and start my mandatory consideration

But blow me I go it today he got most right I got standard rate for both but apparently I am really good at communicating I can understand and express verbal information I told my ex it took him ten minutes to stop laughing I can read and understand basic and complex written information if this where true I might be able to use the microwave,

And this really made my x cry with laughter I can engage with other people unaided I think x used the word hermit

But here’s the rib tickler i can plan and follow a route unaided, don’t you need some sort of memory for that I got 0

But oddly I got 10 point because I can stand and move with aid more than 20 less that 50

This is because I have arthritis looking at the points I got the were all scored because of my physical problems not I don’t want to say mental but my brain don’t play nice

If you haven’t figured it out me and my brain don’t get along

So really thing have not really changed for BI survivors was

So the end result was standard for both and here’s the kicker I GOT IT FOR 10 YEARS !!!

Now do I accept this or do I appeal anyone got any pointers sorry for the length I not normally one for this As I cannot normally follow it

Sorry for that grammar spelling etc this part was removed from my brain went AWOL in 2009 if anyone finds it, give us a shout, bet the DWP fairies can fix it

Lou-Ann xx

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lew-ann profile image
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21 Replies
Georgiab123 profile image

Good on you trying again, I’m waiting for mandatory reply the lies she told about me was unbelievable

lew-ann profile image
lew-ann in reply to Georgiab123

I think they are more fixated on physical thing they completely ignored my cognitive challenges looking at the comments It was purely aimed at my physical issues I wouldn’t of stood a chance

so much for things changing I missed out by 1 point on both to get enhanced

The reason I want to challenge it because my abi is not even taken into account


Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to lew-ann

Terrible you think we want these illnesses I wish no

Mads1975 profile image

Hi, as someone who has supported fellow Headway service users through this nightmare, I will say that the face to face appeals tend to be held by people who are more qualified than the ‘decision maker).

All of the people I’ve accompanied were given zero points but the received higher awards at appeal/tribunal.

Good luck

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to Mads1975

It really upsets me she said I was a normal weight, I’m 7 stone and under weight that was From a nurse

BaronC profile image

APPEAL!!! You WILL win eveb=ntually, I know because I did. I was upgraded for nil points to enhanced rate and a Motability car. Keep fighting...

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to BaronC

Thanks I’m going all way to apeal

lew-ann profile image

Thanks Andy I have to find more evidence of cognitive disabilitys how do I do that I'm still trying to get over the 10 year award


Harrys profile image

Hi my son has just applied for pip , can you tell me how much the standard payment is ? How did you get your brain injury? My son had a abscess and had two craniotomys and has been in pain ever since and this was 6 years ago .

lew-ann profile image
lew-ann in reply to Harrys

Hi standard rate living is worth 57.30 week and standard mobility 22.65 a week rate are on the government website and other, I suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest 2009 so 10 yr ago after requesting hospital records cpr was performed in hospital for over an hour and my heart stopped 27 times, on a ventilator as count breath on my own longest point they could get my heart going was 4 min it was a wait and see if I had any cognitive or physical skills at all

In 2002 I had a accident shattering my knee so in 2009 in icu I lost a lot of muscle mass this accelerated my osteoarthritis which also affected other joints so it’s hard to get any points in mobility it a case of appealing I go @0 point for the moving around which I’m amazed at and 0 for planning and following a journey I can even get to my local shop without sat nav but this don’t count or the fact I stated I cannot go any ware unfamiliar without some one with me it just become to overwhelming but apparently there was no evidence of that this is why I’m going to appeal and as for the rest of it ie help with bill, and all the other stuff that, may require energy, motivation, cognitive skill where all ignored and just focused on the physical I did though request all my hospital records which make for interesting reading it took me a few years concentration, basic understand , losing pass words and disc trying to keep track, to to mention mental exhaustion

So off topic, but the hospital records where a god send this I would recommend

Hope this is of some help


Harrys profile image
Harrys in reply to lew-ann


Poor you , you have really been through it , I’m glad you got some of the money . Good luck with the rest of your recovery x

LisBil profile image

Hi lew-ann, so frustrating reading your thread. When we applied for my husband we added reports from an occupational therapist from a government funded project we were on. The report detailed everything my husband struggles with and what he can do ....I don't know if this helped but it feels like the assessor isn't just taking your word for it but they have something written from a professional (I hate going to see assessors because I always think they are not going to believe us and make their own assumltioms as a BI does not always have physical symptoms and they can't see how it affects individuals. If you can see an Occupational therapist they may be able to help with an appeal? hope that helps.

lew-ann profile image
lew-ann in reply to LisBil

Hi thanks it's hard to ask for help firstly I have trouble explaining myself, i struggle asking for help as interacting with people is hard if not impossible, I cant say I have any sort of connection with any gp especially when your expected to explain yourself and just get dismissed as for asking for help , who? I cant ring anyone I go into melt down when the phone rings, I tried the dr last week went prepare with it written down I was so flustered the words didn't make sense so I only remembered 1/4 of what I wanted they dismiss my symptoms fatigue, forgetfulness headaches etc ect as migraine possible thyroid liver issue and wont acknowledge the elephant in the room

But my Question is there any other evidence I haven't thought off, ex and daughter are going to write a letter stating my issues

I'm 41 and some days I feel like I have dementia

I even found a clock with big letter that display the day of the week, thinking a whole day was Wednesday when in fact is was a friday oh yes this is normal for me, my wheelie bin often gets missed, or spending all day wednesday filling in my pip form thinking I have a couple of days till it has to go in Friday that it was actually friday, being stunned when my daughter rings (one of two people I speak to on the phone) and asked why I haven't picked her up having no knowledge of this, the list is endless

According to DWP I have to issues


Froggiefrog profile image
Froggiefrog in reply to lew-ann

Whilst the cause of your issues may be very different to mine, I can certainly connect with what you have to say. Recovering slowly from my VP shunt swap out for congenital hydrocephalus, I find processing what people say to me unusually difficult. It is my forth revision op, albeit with different hardware inserted to what I'm used to, but this is a new issue as far as I can recall. My short term memory is very poor also.

I work in an environment that is IT and phone based, but the very idea of that just doesn't bear thinking about at present. I would take a call from my partner, as she isn't going to tell me anything I need to process or remember, but I'm not sure I could deal with multi- topic calls, which is a shame, as the Employee Assistance provision is...yes, you've guessed it...telephone based.

I work for an organisation routinely vilified here, but hopefully, having taken my own advice, I will be able to show personal and scientific evidence that the elements of my duties like organising, processing information and decision making are a pretty much a check list of areas affected both by the condition.

Because my memory has always been poor, its recent deterioration is perhaps not as disabling as it is for those who may have had high function prior to, for example, trauma that has compromised it. In many ways, this does make things easier...which from my own perspective is a positive at least.

ricky85 profile image

Appeal it, HCPs are just pushing their personal opinion for a payday, some instances they can't deny your problems but they'll still try and remove points where they can

HAWK77 profile image

I just had my ESA medical I went in toke a dump on the table and said review that

Bellabear12 profile image

Hi my husband sustained a brain injury last year due to cardiac arrest he got standard for one and enhanced for mobility. We appealed to get the enhanced rate for the daily living as he is unable to take his own medication and it didn’t even go to court they awarded the higher rate, so at least try

steve55 profile image

10 years is the highest you can get..........be happy with what youve got, its extra money you didnt have before.

mp3mills profile image

Are you supported by your local Headway? Even if you aren't they can help you to make sure you have all the points you should get. Our local branch has been very helpful with my husband's PIP application (after receiving lifetime DLA) and we are currently awaiting their decision. Headway have written a brilliant supporting letter and also filled in the form and will support us fully if we need to appeal.

lew-ann profile image
lew-ann in reply to mp3mills

Hi I've had no support for nearly 8 years and never with headway, I only found this site when I came across some hospital discharge papers I think, telling me about brain injury up to that point I had no idea why I'm like I am, thought I was all alone and going mad

The dwp said there was no evidence to what I was telling them

So this comes back to my original question how do I prove medically im for want of a better word challenged and a word that goes beyond forgetfulness

Thanks for your reply

Really helpful


mp3mills profile image

your discharge papers will be a starting point. Go to see your GP and explain how things are. Contact your local Headway as they are the experts in brain injury and are best placed to help you and also help you appeal.

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