Some sort of advice: Hi. Not been on in a while... - Headway


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Some sort of advice

ored13 profile image
25 Replies

Hi. Not been on in a while because life and all the things.

I need someone to talk my down here. So my husband's speech is now barely there. After finding that he has gone from speech on waking from coma to just noise. Speech therapy department is about to give up and just get him a tailored app. But that just doesn't work for him because he mis taps.

So I'm looking for some suggestions. Any good private speech therapists in Scotland. Some groups we could go to or join or charities. He has ALL the speech things they say. The words are the but there is no articulation and all sound comes out of his he's started forgetting that his mouth is there. And I would say that speech therapy with masks is an absolute joke. Same with it being online. These things just don't WORK.

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ored13 profile image
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25 Replies
paxo05 profile image

Hi there ,

It's a long time since my speech therapy( 22 years). I can remember a lot of mouth and tongue exercises. Remember thinking how pointless they where as all I wanted was to talk.

It took a year or so but apart from forgetting or getting the words mixed up I can talk like before.

So pointless exercises are not pointless.

I can only remember it was private and in York ( I'm in Rotherham).

Sorry not much help as I am sure he may have had the same treatment as I did.

As with walking it is like starting from scratch like a baby. It is frustratingly slow.

Hope you find a suitable treatment,


ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to paxo05

Thanks Pax. He is doing a lot better in the walking. But it has been over a year since his collapse and he went from talking to not talking. It's just blowing my mind. He can do all the tongue excercises but when it comes to Speech it's just ... Gone. I'm hoping that a private therapist may be able to work out with the box and workout mask.

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to ored13

I was very simular in immediately after my rta I seemed to be talking, it was a load of garbled rubbish but it was language. Then I lost the ability to talk after the first day.

The walking came back easier than the language even though I was numb on my left side.

I wish I could remember the treatments I had so as to be more helpful.

Keep on trying,


ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to paxo05

Thanks. This give me a bit of hope. I think we may well have to get some private speech therapy going. Speech seemed to be there but disappeared slowly over the past year. But again thank you. We just need to find the right solutions I think.

Juniorbhoy profile image

Hi ored13

I am in the exact same situation with my husband who was attacked back in Dec 2019. He can repeat words but nothing spontaneous which is very frustrating for everyone.

We have also tried the apps without any success. Speech Therapy twice a week for one hour but I personally don't think they have a plan for moving forward!

We live in Glasgow if you fancy a chat. Hope you both have a great day xx

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to Juniorbhoy

Thanks for your reply. My husband had been put in a lavadopa trial. I would say that some of that spontaneous stuff is trickling back. Never experienced something so frustrating. Where was he most affected? Could he speak in the begining? We're in North Perthshire. Though we're in Alloa and sometimes Glasgow fairly often. Would be great to have someone essentially local to chat with!

Juniorbhoy profile image
Juniorbhoy in reply to ored13

Hiya my husband had to have a craniotomy and suffered 2 brain bleeds straight after the op. Also a bleed to the brain during the unprovoked attack. He hasn't spoken since he woke from coma unfortunelty. We were also at rehab living in accommodation and he received speech therapy every day for about 7 months (Mon-Fri). I 100%agree with you about speech therapists using masks during sessions. It was crazy the way they expected to carry out the sessions with face masks being worn. Major factor for us actually leaving rehab, then they decided to give him sessions using Zoom. Another disaster as the Internet connection would freeze every few minute's & my husband became very agitated & walk away not wanting to continue the session.Hope you have both had a good day xx

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to Juniorbhoy

The zoom or Near me sessions are an absolute joke. Surely the whole point to the session is that they be able to see your tongue and lips and that you be able to do the same. And if you have a dodgy internet connection then you've had it. I mean there must be somewhere private that offers speech therapy. We will go anywhere. I'm going to have a dig about. Because surely 1 good therapy session every fortnight is better than 5 weekly with such a ridiculous barrier.

We had a good day yesterday thanks. I've been channelling my annoyance at all the things into decluttering the house 😆. Also nice to have a bit of sunshine up here, makes a load of difference.

Is your husband able to make sound?

Any plans for the weekend?

fity123r profile image

hi ored13

its been long i havnt heard from you could it be any new medication they put him on cause the same happend to my husband when the doctors put him on tetrabenzine for his movement disorder he stopped talking and his sppech was really bad i couldnt understand him he was like that for about 4months than now his speech is improving but not great

have you tryed writing things down and ask him to read it and say it out loud

like i told you before my husband had no speech therpy even when he was in rehab hospital because of his cognition it was very hard

iv been giving my husband omega 3 its been about 2months now and i think they really are helping i really hope you found a good therpy

i know exactly what you are going through xxx

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to fity123r

Hi how are you doing?!I've been in what I realise now was a weird sort of depressed slump over the past few weeks so haven't been online much. I think there is a bit of a cycle to it.

Anyway they put him on gabapentine when he was in hospital for what the doctor (general doctor) assumed was nerve pain. It wasn't he was experiencing pain due to lack of movement in his left shoulder. They also have him something for spasticity on his left side. He's off those now. What we are finding is working with a knowledgeable, well trained personal trainer and that left side is improving quite well.

He's started a trial of Levadopa to try and help things along a bit. It's a very slow dosage increase. And there are improvements, but the speech is showing the least promising results. I need to get him back onto the omega Now I think. We are half way though the trial now.

How big are the capsules you're giving your husband?

fity123r profile image
fity123r in reply to ored13

hi ored13

the omegas im giving him are actually quite big they are 330mg epa and 220mg dha 1000mg of strength i did try taking a pic for ya but my phone just doesnt allow me to send

i asked our gp if its safe to give omega to him he told me they are very good for people who have had abi or tbi xx

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to fity123r

Hi... thought I had replied but see that I was clearly dreaming that I had. We will definitely get back onto the omega. He does struggle swallowing even a paracetamol so will maybe look for a liquid version instead of the mega capsules!!!

fity123r profile image
fity123r in reply to ored13

oredi13 honestly they have worked for my hubby you are the one who told me about them

just get the liquid version for ur hubby and start giving them to him with in a few months you will see an improvement

my hubbys memory has slightly improved to did i tell you a couple of weeks ago he cooked a curry and baked cakes

others dont see thse little improvement example frends they think ohhhh his had a brain injury he will never recover and all that crap they comeout with but when we as carers see even the littlest goal they achieve it brings so much happiness to your hearts

honestly oredi13 get him on the omegas they help my gp even told me

we both have the same stories and roughly the same timeframe with our husbands we need to stop feeling depressed and dò everything we can to help them and be positive that they will recover have positive energy around you will so much better within yourself xxx

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to fity123r

That is excellent!!!!! Those are big things. Even just the confidence that it takes to do that sort of thing is insane, never mind all the other things involved. I walked in the other day and mine had 1 and a half socks off. He usually can't take his socks off, esspecially on the left. I felt like one of those crazy parents who when their 1 year old draws a squiggly line and a scribble😆. Anyway it was big for him. And today a friend was in and I was looking at se new watch straps for hubby. Asked him which colour he would like and he said "green please". Not a big deal to most but our friend was like: "I understood that!". Also hubby would usually shrug in a "you choose" kind of a way. So that he .are a choice is a big thing.

So yes we see all the things all the time for sure and the significance is more to us than any other really.

We will be back on the omegas for definite. The only thing holding me back is that we're on this dopamine trial. I may be crazy but I just want to see what is responsible for what if that makes any sense?

Our weather is horrible up here today so we're just chilling. Kids are away to a trampoline park until late so the house will be QUIET...I have poured a glass of wine!😁

fity123r profile image
fity123r in reply to ored13

hey oredi13 that is amazing maybe you can encourage your hubby to take off his socks more often example maybe you can help him take off half of the sock and let him do the rest if you keep repeating that every day he will get a rough idea how its taken off and he will start doing it himself

my hubby knew how to put his shoes on about 6months ago but now he totally depends on me and i think thats my fault because i use to put it on for him all the time and now he just looks at my face when its time to put him shoes on the more things they do for themselves the better

i strongly do think that your hubbys speech is affected because of the medication ask the doctor who put him on it believe me it happend to my hubby when they strted a dopamine medication on him which he still is on now for his involuntary movements xx

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to fity123r

Oh my word I know that look!!!!😂

I make myself scarce quite often aside from when I know he's too shattered to do certain things or he's wearing a complicated or tight bit of clothing. I used to hover around him so did pretty much everything for him because...the "well help me I can't do it" look. We had an argument one day and he wanted nothing to do with me for a good couple of hours. That was the 1st day he got himself ready for bed. Since then I've been trying to get him to do more and more. Sometimes I'm just "not there"... But listening out. He also has a watch he can emergency call me on if he gets stuck. Our house is also made of paper so can basically hear EVERYTHING. So yes it's so hard not to help, but as you say maybe leaving little bites or options for independence is a good way forward rather than great big chunks or doing it all for them because we feel it's what we must do because we care. I have found that quote hard esspecially because letting my husband do it himself often means it takes quite a lot of time only for it to not have gone as planned ...I'm learning to schedule in more time for things🙂

CanisLupus profile image

Singing sometimes you can’t talk but you can sing?

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to CanisLupus

He tries but was never really much of a singer. He can make sound but the articulation and breath. It's like the breath just won't come out of his mouth.

Pairofboots profile image
Pairofboots in reply to ored13

Hi, it might be worth persevering with singing even if he is never mistaken for Frankie Boe's, it is the exercise not the result that may help with progress. As long as it doesn't cause him distress, it can't hurt 🍀

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to Pairofboots

I keep telling myself that I have to draw him up a little program of sorts. He has so very many things to do but I am rubbish at maintaining and persisting most days. And there are kids to moan and persist with as well. So some days I'm all persisted out (can you tell today is one of those days🙄😆)

Pairofboots profile image
Pairofboots in reply to ored13

I know days like that, but in my case, it is only me to persist, and I get so tired of persisting 😉. Your husband is lucky to have you x

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to Pairofboots

That's kind of you to say. I guess he maybe knows that but possibly also thinks I'm a thorn in his side😆😆😆

CanisLupus profile image
CanisLupus in reply to Pairofboots

Or just humming to start with, all exercise if ok and feel good factor with singing and humming. No staying in tune required here xx

Jowood29 profile image

Hello, I referred my self back to speech and language. I was told my speech was ‘adequate’ I was still struggling with slurred speech, mixed up words or missing words. It was a big issue for me, I couldn’t speak at all at first, then surgery I was very poorly, I had a rehabilitation team, with 6 weeks of speech and language. 6 months later, I would have panic attacks if I knew I had to have a conversation or use the telephone. So I asked to be referred back to a different speech and language, I had a new therapist who had a different approach and I saw her for 12 months. My confidence grew and anxiety around speech was improved. Maybe you could get a second opinion? All the best . Jo

ored13 profile image
ored13 in reply to Jowood29

I agree. I seriously think that we should be looking out with the NHS. I understand that they have their limitations and of what they can and can't do. It would be good to have the perspective of someone who didn't need to fit in that box. So good to hear that there is again hope. Just have to try a different angle or tack!

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