Think I could have worded my post better..when I said "V" day,I meant visit..I havnt seen son since his accident 23/12.I'm going on my own for two reasons.firstly,I don't want to inconvenience/ pressure anyone into feeling obliged to take me.secondly,its been so long,I don't know what I'm facing and would rather deal with it alone.I'm not even sure if this man will recognize me or show any response to my turning up?ergo,the few people that I have shared my situation with would be very upset to witness any case,I started this journey alone with " knock on door", will get this first visit sorted,talk to people I need to and then get a system in place.he was in the best place,as some will know,all odds were stacked against him.if he doesn't respond,then I will try to connect.I will just play by ear/ instinct.he has everything he needs have made sure of that.this place looks really good.that said,they not phoning nor have made any attempt to establish video contact yet?that's fine though,I will put my points over when I get there.just a final question for anyone that may help.what are your experiences of rehab units and the average stay?
Think ive confused people!: Think I could have... - Headway
Think ive confused people!
Hi D, Walkergate Park where are son is receiving his rehabilitation is for a maximum six month period. Don’t know if this is will be the same for your sons placement. You may find it helpful to jot down all the questions you have and take list with you on your visit. In Walkergate most questions have been answered on the day but if not they have found out and telephoned me at their earliest opportunity. Good luck for Friday. Nanapal. x
My sons been in since 27th december they still cant tell me how long, I understand you want to do it alone, I did, but jeez I,m glad someone was there to collect mme,I hold it together till just before the doors going out, then the tears,emotions came,relief etc being strong and independent is good but sometimes a hug is just needed big massive virtual hugs
Hi Dogs a thingy.
Start inconveniencing and going mad. I would have long ago. Well my family would have. Many people think they know best, but with TBI no one has a clue in the slightest and family is the best recovery anyone can have.
Private BIRT rehabs I think are pretty hopeless. No personal touch with many able to have a life but these places keeping them back to gain further funding.
Hospital Rehabs are good because they want to get you in and better, and out and get a life.
How old is your son?
It doesn’t make sense not allowing you to see your son at all.
It doesn’t make sense because family helps improve 1000% to find specific areas of TBI. Even in comas, I heard my sister reading my car magazines.
I couldn’t remember anyone I New after 1998. Or who were friends or enemies.
Can he speak at all or has slurred speech?
I had slurred speech but with lots of trial and errors I can be ok without if I do less and don’t stress my brain.
Ask away for anyone to Bob to see him with you. It’s no biggy to them and just makes things better when you see him. Plus Hospital car parks cost a hell of a lot on daily visits.
He will have key points in his life he will remember. It’s just for you reminding him to find them. Also music has been proved to help TBi, where all old songs I remember what I was doing when I last sang along.
Good luck. Your best seeing him first because all what you hear on here will give you false hope or more dread.
If it’s NHS rehab it’s great, if it’s insurance rehab a Birt there a bunch scam artists out to drag things on forever to make more money.
I seriously mean that. I know this for a fact.
Just thinking of you; would of been a hard day to see your son after 4months xx